5.0 Additional Information

5.1 Application Review Process

The process of identifying, evaluating and making recommendations with respect to ETA funded projects will be managed on an ongoing basis by an AGCO Steering Committee that is responsible for overseeing the Fund.  

Applicants will be notified in December 2020 whether they will be provided ETA funding by the AGCO. Successful applicants will be issued a conditional approval for funding, subject to signing a standard form agreement with the AGCO. The standard form agreement must be signed by both parties before any money can be allocated or spent.

The AGCO reserves the right to approve or reject applications and proposals.

5.2 Assessment Criteria 

The AGCO reviews all applications and evaluates each proposal against the following criteria:

Project Details and Work Plan

Soundness of the proposed approach (weighting 45%)

  • Demonstration of a need for the proposed project;
  • Description of how the proposed program objectives correlates to the objectives of the ETA Fund (as described in section 2.0);
  • Demonstration of an effective and realistic work plan in terms of proposed activities/key milestones and the efficient use of available resources;
  • Outcomes are achievable; and,
  • Overall clarity and comprehensiveness.

Project Evaluation

Meaningful evaluation plan (weighting 10%)

  • Performance measures and key performance indicators for the project are described through an evaluation plan; and,
  • Targets for benchmarking success are supported by sound rationale.

Project Budget/ Financial Information

Value for money through the budget and financial information (weighting 15%)

  • Project budget is clear and all costs are defined and reasonable;
  • Budget items align with the project description and deliverables; and,
  • Sufficient information provided to evaluate whether costing is realistic.

Organization and Project Team Information and Capacity

Capacity to deliver the proposed project (weighting 30%)

  • Governance structure and organizational capacity including management and resources to support project administration;
  • Evidence of sound finances;
  • Experience delivering effective projects with comparable scope using sound project management techniques; and,
  • Demonstrated delivery of projects on time and within budget.

5.3 Communications and Advertising

Successful applicants are required to provide the AGCO with a communications plan and copies of all produced and published materials. The AGCO reserves the right to review and approve any communications or advertising developed by the proponent in relation to funded projects. The AGCO also reserves the right to require the displaying of a credit to acknowledge the Commission’s provision of funds.

5.4 Additional Funding Considerations

Approved projects are potentially subject to audit. Additionally, all organizations must complete a Tax Compliance declaration form.

Should an organization complete a project for less than the approved funding amount, any unspent funds must be returned to the AGCO.

Projects funded during the 2020-21 cycle are expected to conclude March 31, 2022. Should an approved project continue beyond March 31, 2022, AGCO approval will be required eight weeks prior and will be contingent on meeting prior reporting requirements.

All funded initiatives must comply with requirements in the French Language Services Act and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.    

The ETA Fund and these funding guidelines are subject to change, as determined appropriate by the AGCO, although such changes would not apply retroactively to successful applicants.