4.0 Application Requirements

At the conclusion of this guide, you will find the ETA Fund Application Questions. These questions should be used alongside the proposal requirements found in this Guide to write your application.

4.1 Project Details and Work Plan

Applicants must provide a detailed description of the project and must demonstrate:

  • a need for the proposed project;
  • the project’s objectives; and
  • details of how their project meets the AGCO’s ETA funding objectives, as described in section 2.0.

In addition to providing information about the project, applicants are required to submit a work plan that describes how the proposed project will be carried out. The work plan should demonstrate an approach to accomplishing all aspects of the project. Work plan components include:

  • The proposed start and end dates as well as key milestones marking the completion of work phases, and submission of final report to AGCO. Additionally, applicants must indicate any external fixed dates that, if not met, would affect the project outcome;
  • The tasks and activities that will be undertaken to complete the project along with related timelines, and;
  • An indication of who is responsible for completing the activities.

4.2 Project Evaluation

Applicants are required to provide a meaningful evaluation plan as part of their application. The applicant must demonstrate how the project intends to meet its stated objectives as outlined in the project overview and work plan. Applicants will be required to provide the following details:

  • Identify which measures will be used to reflect the project’s performance (e.g. satisfaction rate, downloads, attendance rate) and their expected targets to indicate project success; and
  • Describe specific metrics that will be used to measure project performance / success in meeting its objectives (e.g. surveys, statistics, other feedback processes).

Successful applicants are required to report to the AGCO on their funded initiatives at intervals that will be set out in the funding agreement to ensure that the AGCO can track and measure the effectiveness, relevance and value of the projects funded under the ETA Fund. A final project evaluation report will also be required at the conclusion of the selected applicant’s funding term that includes information on performance measures and targets, financial reporting, use of funds and project successes and challenges.

4.3 Project Budget/ Financial Information

Applicants are required to provide a project budget. The project budget should demonstrate that funds allocated by the AGCO are to be used effectively and that the project is financially feasible. The project application will be required to provide the following details:

  • Costs for key work plan activities;
  • Information about other funding sources, if applicable;
  • Information about anticipated expenses; and,
  • A detailed justification for each work plan activity to enable the AGCO to assess all costs and whether the requested funds are appropriate for the execution of the project.

Note: Depending on the proposal, approved funding may be allotted in periodic installments based on the completion of key milestones. Final payment, equal to 10% of the total budget, will be disbursed upon submission of the final evaluation report.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs must be directly related to the project. Costs should be reasonable and necessary for the project’s successful completion. The final determination of eligible costs rests with the AGCO. Eligible costs include:

  • Project administration, including staff salaries and benefits (should not exceed 15 percent of the total budget);
  • Planning and development (e.g. costs related to finalizing the development and implementation of the project once it has been approved);
  • Production costs (e.g. creative development, graphic design, printing, translation to another language(s));
  • Consulting fees and expenses (e.g. management, training or educational consultations);
  • Marketing and outreach (e.g. costs related to promotion, holding events directly related to the project);
  • Meetings required to carry out the project;
  • Travel, meals and hospitality expenses consistent with Ontario government directives and policies;
  • Project goods and services, including rental equipment (e.g. for meetings, workshops and events);
  • Media space or advertising as part of a campaign; and,
  • Evaluation activities.

Ineligible Costs

The following expenses will not be covered even if they are related to the project:

  • Annual general meetings, operating budget deficits, membership fees, fundraising activities, committee and political meetings;
  • Capital expenses;
  • Purchases of furniture, fixtures or other equipment;
  • Non-project related administration, including organization overhead (e.g. mortgage, rent, operating insurance);
  • Costs covered by other government funding;
  • Contingency or unexplained miscellaneous costs; and,
  • Expenses incurred before receiving written AGCO approval of funding.

4.4 Organization Information and Capacity

Applicants must describe the organization’s core business or field of activity. Please include information about the organization’s operational mandate. Additional information to be provided includes the organization’s name, address, organizational governance structure, examples of delivering similar projects in the past, as well as a copy of the organization’s most recent audited financial statements. 

4.5 Project Team Information and Capacity

Applicants must include the name of a primary contact for funding aspects and communication with the AGCO, in addition to a description of the roles and responsibilities for individuals responsible for delivering on the proposed initiative including the administration of the OMP funds.

Applicants are also required to provide information about any additional partnerships / collaboration / stakeholder involvement in the project, including what their role and contribution will be, what if any contractual terms are in place between the parties, and how their partners will be recognized for their contribution. The applicant should clearly demonstrate the benefits of the collaboration to ensure the success of the project.