3.0 Fund Information & Applicant Eligibility

3.1 Conditions of Funding

Applicants must specify the amount of funding they are requesting. As a general rule, the maximum amount the AGCO will make available for any individual project is $125,000. Applicants are encouraged to use funding from other sources in addition to those allocated through the ETA Fund. The maximum total amount that will be available within the ETA Fund for all externally funded projects during this funding cycle is $350,000. The AGCO reserves the right to set limits on the amount of funding an applicant will receive, including funding a project for less than the amount requested. A variety of funding allotments will be available. Applications for both large and small initiatives are encouraged to apply.

Funding for 2020-21 applications will support approved projects up to March 31, 2022, though extended timelines may be considered. All applications for the spring funding cycle will be accepted beginning April 6, 2020 and must be submitted via Connect AGCO (www.connectagco.ca/etafund) or by email to ETA@agco.ca by 5:00 pm ET on November 20, 2020. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

3.2 Applicant Eligibility 

Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following within their application:

  • Relevance of the applicant organization to the sectors that the AGCO regulates. Examples include an association representing persons regulated by the AGCO, or a registered non-profit organization, social responsibility group, college or university that has an association with the industries regulated by the AGCO or expertise in relation to topics or issues relevant to the AGCO’s mandate.
  • Effective governance of the project, as demonstrated by how the applicant proposes to oversee the project, the capacity and ability of the organization to successfully deliver the program and a detailed list of the people leading the project.
  • Proven reliable financial reporting and organizational financial health, as demonstrated by the applicant’s most recent audited financial statements.