AGCO Update for Cannabis Retail Store Owner/Operators: COVID-19

Apr 3, 2020

This message is to provide all AGCO-Authorized cannabis retails store owners/operators with information they should be aware of during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On Friday, April 3, the Government of Ontario further extended measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health. The government has revised its list of essential services and is requiring all other businesses to close by 11:59 pm on Saturday April 4. This closure will be in effect for 14 days, with the possibility of an extension as the situation evolves.

As a result of this order, please be advised that you are required to close your cannabis retail store(s) by that time. This means stopping all retail operations, including both in-person sales and click-and-collect services.

Please be reminded, that even while stores may be closed, operators must remain fully compliant with the Registrar’s Standards.

Some of you have already made the difficult business decision to temporarily shut down your operation in the wake of the pandemic. For those remaining stores that will close tomorrow we remind you of the following requirements to ensure compliance with the Registrar’s Standards.

Please make sure:

  • An inventory of all cannabis/cannabis-related products is completed and reported through the iAGCO online portal before the closure
  • All cannabis/cannabis-related products are secured
  • The retail store’s surveillance system continues to record continuously, 24/7, for the duration of the closure 
  • All points of access to the premises are secured and monitored and protected against unauthorized access (i.e. mobile security patrol, 3rd-party active monitoring, application-based alerts, etc.).   
  • Monthly integrated retail reports are completed. They must be submitted regardless of whether there were sales or inventory changes that occurred within the calendar month.
  • You submit all incident-based and monthly reporting requirements through the iAGCO online portal for review and potential follow-up during the closure.

These are unprecedented times and you are no doubt experiencing a new set of challenges at every operational level. We recognize that meeting the AGCO’s administrative obligations, especially in situations where staff may be reduced or unavailable to complete their regular work could prove challenging.

While the AGCO remains committed to its mandate and will continue to conduct compliance activities to ensure public safety, we want you to know that the we are approaching this crisis with understanding, pragmatism and as much flexibility as possible.

If a situation arises where you are unable to meet all of your reporting obligations, please do not hesitate to reach out to your local Compliance Official and we will be happy to discuss.

The AGCO is working closely with the Ontario Cannabis Store and other government partners throughout this pandemic and will provide you with additional updates as they become available.

Stay well. We wish you all the best as you keep taking care of your staff, yourselves and your loved ones.

For urgent inquiries, please contact your local Compliance Official. 

For inquiries regarding reporting, please contact 

Helpful Resources

For more information on your obligations, see the AGCO Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis for Retail Stores

For information on the laws, regulations, eligibility requirements and licensing and application process for recreational cannabis retail stores in Ontario, see the Cannabis Retail Regulation Guide