Section 5: Submitting an Auction SOP application

Last Updated

Applicant Information

An applicant must be 19 years of age or older to obtain an SOP. If the applicant is an organization, the application must be completed by a member or representative who will be at least 19 years of age on the day of the event, who has signing authority for the organization. Applicants must provide all information, materials, documentation or approvals as may be requested.

Responsible Person(s)

The permit holder/responsible person must be present during the event and is responsible for the safety of people attending the event. They must ensure the event is run in compliance with the Liquor Licence and Control Act, its regulations and the standards and requirements established by the Registrar.

The permit holder/responsible person indicated on the application will be noted on the permit. If there is more than one responsible person, all must be named and at least one of the persons named must be present at the event at all times.

The permit holder or, if applicable, designate shall make the permit available for inspection upon request. For an auction that is conducted wholly or partly online, the permit holder must post on the permit number on the website or online platform on which the auction is conducted for the duration of the event.

NOTE: If the permit holder/responsible person is unable to attend, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to designate in writing someone to attend the permit event on their behalf. The designated person is responsible for ensuring that all legal requirements for the permit event are met. The designated person must not be someone who has previously been refused a permit by the AGCO.

Event Details

Auction events can be conducted online and/or in person.

The location/area where the event is to take place must meet the requirements below:

  • The permit location/area where liquor will be sold must be readily distinguishable from areas where the permit does not apply. This means that for in-person auction events, all areas that are not part of the permit area must be clearly defined and visibly separated from those areas covered under the permit.

A premise used as a dwelling, not including the common areas of a multiple unit residential building, shall not be used for the sale, service or consumption of liquor under a permit. For auctions that are conducted wholly or partly online, the Registrar may issue a single auction permit for events that do not exceed 15 consecutive days.