Section 6: Application Fees and Deadlines

An applicant can apply for an SOP online by creating an iAGCO account . Through the iAGCO account, the applicant can check the status of the application and, once it is approved, print the permit.

Tailgate Event Permit application fees are non-refundable. For a list of current fees, please refer to the Schedule of Fees on the AGCO’s website.

An application for a Tailgate Event Permit must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event.

Notification to Municipal Authorities

Applicants for a Tailgate Event Permit must provide written notice to the local municipal clerk’s department, police, fire and health departments informing them of the event, and include a sketch identifying the physical boundaries. If a tent, marquee, pavilion or tiered seating is used, the local building department should be notified in writing.

The applicant’s timelines for notifying local authorities are:

  • 30 days before the event takes place, if fewer than 5,000 people per day are expected to attend the event; or
  • 60 days before the event takes place if 5,000 or more people per day are expected to attend the event.

If the event or activity is to take place in an area under the control of the National Capital Commission, written notice to the Chair of the Commission is also required.

Copies of all municipal notification letters will be required as part of the application process.