Information Bulletin No. 82 – Revision to Racing Under Saddle (RUS) Rules within the Rules of Standardbred Racing

Information Bulletin
Horse Racing

May 15, 2020

During this extraordinary time, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is continuing its activities and services for the sectors we regulate. We wish to offer as much guidance and support as we can to all those who rely on the AGCO’s services and continue to work closely with and support the provincial government with its greater public health objectives. Once horse racing in Ontario resumes operation, the AGCO will continue to conduct its horse racing related activities to maintain the safety of participants and the integrity of the sport. To that end, today we are issuing the following Information Bulletin on the revision to Racing Under Saddle Rules, within the Rules of Standardbred Racing.

As part of its ongoing commitment to enhance the welfare of racehorses and to reduce burden on industry participants, the AGCO is revising the existing licence renewal process for Racing Under Saddle (RUS) races. Currently, RUS racing participants are required to successfully qualify three times before their licence is renewed.

Once horse racing in Ontario resumes, the revised RUS rules outlined in 25.01.01 of the Rules of Standardbred Racing will be modified to require:

  • RUS riders to qualify three times to obtain their initial license only
  • If the rider has completed fewer than 10 rides over the previous three years, they will be required to qualify three times to renew their license
  • Otherwise, RUS licenses will be reinstated after one qualifying race at the beginning of each season.

To facilitate ease of accessibility for racing participants, the updated RUS rules will be embedded as an appendix of the Rules of Standardbred Racing.

For a complete description of the rule changes, please see the Racing Under Saddle Appendix.