Information Bulletin No. 81 – AGCO Launches Equine Medication Use and Awareness E-Learning Course

Information Bulletin
Horse Racing

May 15, 2020

During this extraordinary time, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is continuing its activities and services for the sectors we regulate. We wish to offer as much guidance and support as we can to all those who rely on the AGCO’s services and continue to work closely with and support the provincial government with its greater public health objectives. Once horse racing in Ontario resumes operation, the AGCO will continue to conduct its horse racing related activities to maintain the safety of participants and the integrity of the sport. To that end, today we are issuing the following Information Bulletin on the launch of the AGCO Equine Medication Use and Awareness e-learning course, once horse racing in Ontario resumes.

The AGCO is launching a new e-learning program to raise horseracing licensees’ awareness of their obligations related to the use of equine medication, as part of its commitment to promoting equine health and safety through education, while also holding those who fail to follow regulations accountable for their actions. 

The AGCO Equine Medication Use and Awareness Program is a self-directed online e-learning course, designed to help prevent equine medication misuse by horseracing participants. Completing the course will be a requirement for any individual found responsible for an equine drug violation, serving as the educational component identified in section 3 of the AGCO Penalty Guidelines for Equine Drug, TC02 and Non-Therapeutic Drug Violations.

Available in both French and English, and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliant, this course has been designed to be completed at the learner’s own pace, on any device, and can be done all at once or over several sessions. Note, individuals required to register for the course as part of a penalty ruling or agreed settlement, must complete it within the prescribed time period.

In 2017, the AGCO led an industry-based working group on equine drugs that recommended developing education and training for licensees, including introducing an e-learning component that would assist the industry in better understanding their responsibilities associated with equine medication use. Development of the AGCO Equine Medication Use and Awareness Program is in direct response to that recommendation and its content was developed over several months, with input from a range of subject matter experts and industry leaders.

The AGCO would like to thank the people and organizations who contributed their insight and knowledge to the development of this course.

 For more information, see the AGCO Equine Medication Use and Awareness Program.