Information Bulletin: Clarification on the use of The Lotto Factory for Online Charitable Raffles in Ontario

Information Bulletin
Lottery and Gaming

November 25, 2020

Providing direction regarding the use of registered gaming-related suppliers in Ontario.

The Regulatory Framework in Ontario

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating and overseeing licensed lottery events conducted by eligible charitable and religious organizations to raise funds to support charitable purposes.

This responsibility is shared with municipalities and First Nations with an Order-In-Council. Certain licences, including those for bingo, raffles and the sale of break open tickets, are issued at the municipal level, while others are issued by the AGCO.

The AGCO also conducts eligibility assessments of those looking to work in or supply goods or services to Ontario’s gaming industry. The eligibility assessments determine if applicants are suitable for registration under the Gaming Control Act, 1992. Once a supplier has become registered, any electronic raffle solution(s) it wishes to offer must then also be assessed against applicable Registrar’s Standards and approved by the AGCO’s Technical and Laboratory Services Branch. These steps ensure the integrity of the gaming systems that are used in Ontario.

Given a number of recent inquiries received, the AGCO wishes to clarify that The Lotto Factory (TLF Global Ltd.) is not currently registered by the AGCO as a Gaming-Related Supplier.

There are several registered gaming-related suppliers with AGCO-approved electronic raffle solutions that charities may use (see Helpful Information and Resources, below). As part of their gaming conduct and management responsibilities, it is up to charities to ensure they are working with a registered supplier and using the current Registrar’s approved version of a supplier’s technical solution. Licensees also have the flexibility of developing their own online raffle sales platform if they choose.

Note:  All proposed solutions, including charity-developed solutions, will be subject to assessment against the applicable Registrar’s Standards and approval by the AGCO’s Technical and Laboratory Services Branch.

The use of registered suppliers and their approved solutions ensures charitable raffles in Ontario are conducted and managed in accordance with the principles of honesty, integrity and in the broader public interest. 

Helpful Information and Resources

  • List of Electronic Raffle suppliers and solutions approved by the AGCO
  • Additional information on Electronic Raffles
  • The Registrar publishes a Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM) which is used to determine eligibility for a lottery licence and the eligible uses of proceeds from charitable gaming. The LLPM has been designed to ensure lottery licences are issued and administered on a consistent basis throughout the province. The AGCO also uses the LLPM to communicate changes to the Registrar’s policies and to the regulatory structures for lottery licensing.

For more information

  • Email AGCO Customer Service at or call 416-326-8700 or
    1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
  • Submit an inquiry online via iAGCO (you do not need to create an iAGCO account to do so).
  • Visit the iAGCO Information page