Information Bulletin: Changes to Tied House Liquor Sales Licence Requirements

Information Bulletin

June 8, 2020

The Government of Ontario has amended Regulation 719 under the Liquor Licence Act (LLA) to provide enhanced choice and flexibility for the location of a tied house establishment under a tied house liquor sales licence.

Effective today, licensed manufacturers or other potential tied house licence holders, may locate a proposed tied house anywhere within the same municipal or property address as a manufacturing site (i.e. a brewery, winery or distillery). Prior to the amendment, a tied house was required to be on the manufacturing site of a licensed manufacturer.

Interested applicants may apply to the AGCO through iAGCO, the AGCO’s online portal.

Quick Facts:

  • A tied house is a liquor sales licence (bar/restaurant) located anywhere on the same municipal or property address as a liquor manufacturing site where a manufacturer’s products may be showcased on their own or in conjunction with other brands and types of liquor. Liquor manufacturers cannot otherwise hold liquor sales licences.
  • The holder of a tied house liquor sales licence may also apply for a catering endorsement to sell and serve the manufacturer’s products at any eligible location (i.e. including offsite the manufacturer’s location).

The AGCO remains committed to protecting public safety and ensuring that alcohol is sold, served and consumed in a responsible manner. Licensees must continue to meet all existing requirements in the LLA and regulations.

Links to electronic versions of the LLA and its regulations are available on our Acts and Regulations page.

For more information contact:

AGCO Customer Service
Telephone: 416-326-8700
Toll free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876
Or via the iAGCO online portal