Industry Notice (Horse Racing): Clarification to Day Calculations in Standardbred Rules Effective March 2, 2020

Horse Racing

As announced on February 26, 2020 in AGCO Information Bulletin No 77 - Standardbred iAGCO Rule Revisions, the AGCO has revised the Rules of Standardbred Racing to reduce regulatory burden and harmonize processes between breeds where possible.

The rule revisions, which take effect on March 2, 2020 and reflect a number of process changes that are being implemented now that iAGCO online services are launched for horse racing licensees, include a change to the calculation of days of ineligibility for a horse placed on the short-term Veterinarian’s List.

Please be advised that the following rules have been revised to clarify that the calculation of days of ineligibility for a horse placed on the short-term Veterinarian’s List is eight (8) days, as follows:


8.02 The Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian shall:

(e) Maintain a list called the Veterinarians’ List (Long Term or Short Term - see Rules 20.01.01 and 20.02) on which the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarians shall enter the name of any horse considered unfit, unsound, or not ready for racing. A horse on the Long Term List must qualify and shall be refused declaration until a Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian removes its name from the list. Horses on the Short Term List are automatically removed after eight (8) seven (7) clear days in accordance with Rule 20.04.

20.02 A horse that has been placed on the Judges’ List in accordance with the rules will be

ineligible to race until removed therefrom, as follows:

(b) Horses on the List in accordance with Rule 20.01.01 (a), and (g) and (h) shall come off the List after eight (8) seven (7) clear days. Horses on the List in accordance with Rule 20.01.01 (g) may also be removed when documentation has been presented to the satisfaction of the Judges;


20.04.02 A horse which has been scratched sick as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian shall not be permitted to race, other than to added money events or qualifiers for eight (8) seven (7) clear days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.

(i) A horse which has been scratched lame as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian shall not be permitted to race or qualify other than in added money events for eight (8) seven (7) clear days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.


20.04.03 A horse which has been scratched twice consecutively as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian must qualify to race. Such qualifying race must be more than eight (8) seven (7) clear days from the date of the second race from which it was scratched.


20.04.04 A horse scratched in accordance with (g) shall not be permitted to race other than to added money events for eight (8) seven (7) clear days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.


The Rules of Standardbred Racing have been revised to reflect these changes.

For more information on the full list of changes that take effect March 2, 2020, please see Information Bulletin No. 77 – Standardbred iAGCO Rule Revisions.