Quarter Horse Appendix

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Pari-mutuel Quarter Horse Racing shall be governed by the Rules of Thoroughbred Racing 2018, with the following exceptions:

Quarter Horse — Chapter 2: Definitions

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Breeder is the owner of the dam at the time of service.

Canadian-bred horse Deleted.

Horse is:

  1. Any equine (including and designated as a mare, filly, stallion, colt, ridgling or gelding) registered for racing; or
  2. Specifically an entire male 5 years of age or older.

Maiden means a horse which at the time of starting has never won a race under the auspices of the American Quarter Horse Association.

Overnight Race is one for which the entries close 96 hours or less before the time set for the first race of the day on which such race is to be run and in which no liability is incurred for entrance money or stakes.


Quarter Horse — Chapter 3: Racing Associations

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3.13  When a racing Association is conducting racing, it shall reserve sufficient accommodation in its receiving barn for horses that are stabled elsewhere and the trainers of horses racing each day shall have their horses in the receiving barn 2 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races.

3.14  When any horse which is not stabled on the Association grounds where racing is being conducted arrives on a track to race, the trainer or their attendant shall so inform the receiving barn attendant at least 2 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races, and the receiving barn attendant shall inform the appropriate officials, including Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 4: Licensing

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4.09  Deleted.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 6: Entries and Subscriptions

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6.01  No horse shall be permitted to enter or start unless:

  1. It is duly registered with and approved by the registry office of the American Quarter Horse Association or the American Paint Horse Association;
  2. The horse’s registration certificate is filed with the race office of the Association by the time required for identification purposes;
  3. It is owned or leased by a licensed owner and is in the care of and saddled by a licensed trainer or his/ her licensed assistant;
  4. At the time of entry, the horse must be eligible to the conditions of the race as specified by the Racing Secretary and must remain eligible until the race, with the exception of Rule 6.30.

The Registrar or the Stewards may waive any of the above conditions of this rule under exceptional circumstances.

6.03  If a horse’s name is changed, its new name shall be registered with the America Quarter Horse Association and its old, as well as its new name, shall be given in every entry list until it has run three races, and both names must be printed in the official program for those three races.

6.03  Deleted.

6.14.03  Notwithstanding Rule 6.14.02 where two or more horses are coupled as an entry only for the reason that the horses are trained by the same trainer, the racing association may with the consent of the stewards run those horses as separate interests.

6.20 (d)  Deleted.

6.30.01  A horse, other than a first time starter, shall not be eligible to race un less it has started in a race or completed a time work out with a speed index of 20 or greater. This work out must be satisfactory to the Stewards and within 45 clear days of the day of the race for which it is entered and be published in the official program.

6.30.02  A timed work out must be published in the Official Program for any horse that shows no race or timed work out within the last forty-five (45) days in the Racing form. This rule may be waived for Staked races at the discretion of the Stewards.

6.30.03  Deleted.

6.35  All first life-time starters must have two (2) published work outs out of the starting gate, one of which must be in company with at least one other horse. Both times must make the speed index chart, achieving a minimum speed rating of 20, and be clocked on different dates at Ajax Downs. One of these work out times must be within 30 clear days of the day of entry.

6.46  If a horse’s start is compromised due to the use of a flipping halter, it may still be considered a starter. Any person making an entry must declare the use of a flipping halter at the time of entry. The use of a flipping halter shall be noted in the official program.


Quarter Horse — Chapter 8: Weights

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8.04.02  All horses in Quarter Horse Racing must carry from 120 lbs. up to and including 130 lbs. An overweight allowance limited to eight (8) lbs (Eight pounds) is allowed. All jockeys must declare their weight prior to riding the first race on any racing card and must ride at that weight for all races on that date. The afore mentioned weight must be posted prominently before the public prior to the mutuels opening for any race in which any jockey rides.

8.05.04  After unsaddling a jockey shall pass their equipment to a valet or will carry it to the scales to be weighed in.

8.16.05  The minimum weight shall be 105 pounds in any race.


Quarter Horse — Chapter 9: Jockeys

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9.15.01  A Quarter Horse Jockey shall not:

  1. Be an owner or trainer of any quarter horse race horse;
  2. Compete in any race against a horse owned or trained by his or her spouse; or
  3. Compete in any race against a horse owned by his or her mother, father, brother or sister.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 10: Engagement of Riders, Employees and Jockeys’ Agents

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With the exception of the following, all other rules in this chapter are deleted:

10.01    A jockey may represent him or herself and may make their own engagements. In an emergency an owner/trainer, when directed by the Stewards, shall book the services of a Jockey by negotiating with him/ her personally.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 11: From Paddock to Finish

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11.13    Deleted.

11.33    The following distances are applicable for Ajax Downs:
220 yards
250 yards
300 yards
330 yards
350 yards
400 yards
440 yards

Quarter Horse — Chapter 12: Claiming Races

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12.08    If a horse is claimed, it shall not be sold or transferred to anyone in whole or in part, except in a claiming race, for a period of thirty (30) clear days from the date of claim. It shall not, unless reclaimed, remain in the same stable or under control or management of its former owner or trainer for the same thirty (30) clear days.

12.09    The papers of any horse that is claimed must be for warded, forth with, by the Association’s Racing Secretary’s Offices to the American Quarter Horse Association so that they may record the transfer of ownership.

12.11    All claims must be signed, sealed and deposited in a locked box at least 15 minutes before the scheduled post time of the race in which the claim is made. Such box shall be in the custody of the Racing Secretary. The following information must be correctly filled in on the Claim Blank:

  1. Date of claim
  2. Printed name(s) and appropriate signature(s)
  3. Authorized Agent number if required
  4. Correct claiming price
  5. The number of the race from which the horse is to be claimed
  6. Name of the horse
  7. Designated trainer
  8. Initial claiming form, if applicable.

Typographical or minor technical errors may be accepted at the discretion of the Stewards.

12.12    Not earlier than 15 minutes before and not later than ten minutes before each race, the Racing Secretary shall open the claim box and note on the envelope containing each claim the official post time of the race in question which he/she shall take from the official program. Immediately thereafter and in no event later than post time of each race, he/she shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the stewards all claims that were in the claims’ box for the race in question. No money shall accompany the claim.

12.13    Except when a horse is sent for observation pursuant to Rule 12.33, in which case physical custody remains with the original owner until the Observation Period has ended, transfer of possession of a claimed horse shall take place in the claiming barn or designated area immediately after the running of said race, unless the horse is required to be taken to either the retention test barn and/or TCO2 test barn for post-race testing. The successful claimant or their representative shall maintain physical custody of the claimed horse. Transfer of possession of each claimed horse will take place after sample tags have been signed by the previous trainer and/or their representative.

12.18.01    Subject to Rule 12.16, title to a claimed horse shall vest in the successful claimant from the time the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of such horse at the time the Starter dispatches the horses in a valid start for the claiming race. The successful claimant shall take possession of the claimed horse whether said horse is sound or unsound, or injured during or after the race, unless the horse is invalidated in accordance with Rule 12.32.01 and any related track rules.

12.23    If a filly or mare has been bred, she is ineligible to be entered into a claiming race.

12.24.02    Deleted.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 18: Placing Judges and Photo Finish Camera

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18.01.01  Deleted.

18.01.02  In determining the places of the horses at the finish of a race the Stewards shall consider only the relative position of the respective noses of such horses.

18.01.03  The Stewards shall cause to be prominently displayed the numbers of the first four horses in each race in the order of finish and shall be responsible for recording the fifth placing.

18.01.04  The Stewards shall make public their decisions as promptly as possible.

18.02.01  The Stewards shall inspect the print prior to the official sign being posted and the decision of the Stewards shall prevail.

18.02.02  The Stewards shall confirm the result of every race by declaring the result official.

18.02.03  Nothing in the Rules shall be construed to prevent the stewards from correcting an error before declaring the race official.

18.03.01  On all tracks a proper camera shall be installed as an aid to the Stewards, however, in all cases, the camera is merely an aid and the decision of the Stewards shall be final.

18.03.03  If it is considered advisable to consult a picture from the photo finish camera, the Stewards shall post, or announce without waiting for a picture, such placements as are in their opinions unquestionable, and after consulting the picture, make the other placements.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 22: Patrol Judges

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Delete in its entirety.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 27: Commission Veterinarians, Official Veterinarians and Other Veterinarians

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27.03  Any horse scratched by the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian or a licensed Veterinarian may be placed on a (7) day list. Any horse that has been placed on the Veterinarian’s List may be required to work at the discretion of the attending Veterinarian approved by the Commission. On the 8th day, the horse shall be eligible to be removed from the Veterinarians’ List and entered. Any horse that has been on the Veterinarian’s List twice in a 30 day span shall be placed on the Veterinarians’ List and it shall be mandatory the horse work to the satisfaction of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian, no matter how long the horse has been on the Veterinarians’ List.

27.05  An Official Veterinarian shall inspect all horses in the paddock and at the starting point of each race. If in his/her opinion, any horse is not fit, sound and ready for racing, he/she shall recommend to the Stewards that it be scratched and the Stewards shall take such action as they deem fit.


Quarter Horse — Chapter 29: Trainers, Assistant Trainers and Substitute Trainers

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29.10  A person shall not train horses or be programmed as a trainer or assistant trainer of record, without first having obtained a trainer or assistant trainer licence valid for the current year by meeting the standards for trainer or assistant trainer as laid down by the Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc.

Quarter Horse — Chapter 30: Apprentice Jockeys

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With the exception of the following, all other rules in this chapter are deleted:

30.04  A first application for a jockey’s licence shall be accompanied by:

  1. Evidence that the applicant has had at least one year’s experience with a racing stable which is acceptable to the Stewards;
  2. His/her birth certificate or acceptable proof of his/ her date of birth.

30.06  No jockey shall carry a whip in a race until he/ she has ridden in at least five races and then only with permission of the Stewards.

30.07  All jockeys’ licenses shall be granted on a probationary basis. The Stewards may suspend this licence for any period of time determined by them if in their opinion the jockey re quires more experience or expertise before being allowed to continue riding. If the Stewards act under this rule they may make whatever adjustments they deem necessary.


Quarter Horse — Chapter 34: Canadian-Bred Horses

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Deleted in its entirety.