(8) Proceeds and expenses

These terms (in addition to Sections 1-4) are specific only to Break Open Ticket types under Section B of the Schedule of Approved Break Open Ticket Types and Associated Expense Maximums.

Sections 7 and 8 align with the Registrar’s expectations for a standards and outcomes-based approach. The objective of a standards-based approach is to shift the focus from requiring licensees to comply with a specific set of rules or processes, which tend to be prescriptive in nature, towards the broader regulatory outcomes they are expected to achieve. This allows licensees to have the flexibility to determine what works best for their business, while being responsible for the overall conduct and management of the event.  

(8) Proceeds and expenses  

8.1 A licensee may sell break open tickets using the expense model for ticket types approved starting in 2022 under the new Revenue Split Model and in accordance with the expense maximums prescribed in the Schedule of Approved Break Open Ticket Types and Associated Expense Maximums. Expenses must be reasonable in nature, directly related to the conduct and management of the break open ticket lottery and in accordance with the Registrar’s policies.

8.2 All parties must make timely payment for goods and/or services received in accordance with the Revenue Split Model. This includes Gaming Related Suppliers, charities, manufacturers and Sellers.

8.3 Any cash shortages resulting from error must be deducted from the portion of the net win of the party that made the error. Licensees must ensure that any shortages are reconciled with suppliers.

8.4 Licensees may, but are not required to, pay for the cost of the tickets up front.

8.5 Where Licensees are selling break open tickets in conjunction with bingo events

  1. Licensees’ expenses are calculated and paid in accordance with the Revenue Split Model;
  2. Hall Charities Associations must periodically disburse the net proceeds derived from the sale of break open tickets to all licensees participating in the lottery in shares based on the number of bingo events held by each member organization within the bingo hall.