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1. Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal

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General Construction

1.1.1 All Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must be securely constructed to prevent unauthorized access to all stored products, assets, Critical Game Data, and Critical Software.

1.1.2 Access to the interior of the Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal must be automatically detected.

1.1.3 For Lottery Terminals, access to the interior must result in the following actions being automatically taken:

  1. The date and time of access is logged;
  2. The access is reported to the Backend System in real time for Operator monitoring and audit purposes; and
  3. The Lottery Terminal is promptly disabled.

1.1.4 For Self-Service Terminals, access to the interior of the device must result in the following actions being automatically taken:

  1. A clearly visible and clearly audible alarm must be set off in real time;
  2. The date and time of the access is logged;
  3. The access is reported to the Backend System in real time for Operator monitoring and audit purposes; and
  4. The Self-Service Terminal is promptly disabled.

Inventory Tracking and Safety

1.1.5 The following information must be displayed on Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals, at minimum:

  1. Model identifier(s);
  2. Unique serial identifier(s); and
  3. Safety certification monogram established by an appropriate agency such as Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

Electro-Magnetic Immunity

1.1.6 All assembled Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must exhibit electro-magnetic immunity in accordance with good industry practices for IT equipment. This means the equipment must be independently reviewed to demonstrate compliance with the following standards or their equivalent:

  1. CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-2 for Electrostatic Discharge; and
  2. CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 61000-4-4 for Electrical Fast Transient/Bursts.

1.1.7 In conducting the independent review contemplated in standard 1.1.6, the independent review must be certified by an individual or group not directly involved in the development of the Lottery Terminal or Self-Service Terminal who is authorized by the Gaming-Related Supplier for such certification, or an independent testing laboratory with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for such work.


1.1.8 The integrity and security of all information must be maintained during communication between all Lottery Terminals, Self-Service Terminals, Associated Equipment, and Backend Systems.

1.1.9 Significant Events must be communicated from Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal to the Backend System in real time or as soon as it becomes technically possible.

1.1.10 Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal applications must control and monitor or be notified on all ports that are used to transmit or receive any data or signals to or from the Associated Equipment.

1.1.11 All Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must be appropriately hardened to prevent unauthorized access, including having all unused ports disabled at all times.

1.1.12 Interruptions in communication between Lottery Terminals, Self-Service Terminals, Associated Equipment, or Backend Systems must:

  1. Not impact the integrity, security, nor accounting of any transactions, purchases, or wagers; and
  2. Be recovered from as soon as technically possible.

Diagnostic Mode

1.1.13 Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must have the following minimum diagnostic functions to ensure proper operation of the devices:

  1. Identification of Critical Software name, version and signature;
  2. Printer test;
  3. Scanner tests, for example for bet slip readers and age verification scanners;
  4. Communications test with Backend System;
  5. Burster test for devices that have a Burster; and
  6. Touch screen calibration and test for devices that have touch screen(s).

1.1.14 Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must clearly indicate their current operational state.

Error Conditions

1.1.15 Impacted Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal functions, peripherals, or both must be disabled under the following conditions, and must not be enabled until the condition has been resolved:

  1. Critical Software errors, such as:
    1. Defective Software Storage Media,
    2. Software authentication failure,
    3. Application crash, and
    4. Communication errors, such as loss of communication with the Backend System;
  2. Significant Events buffer full;
  3. Printer failure;
  4. Failure to dispense purchased Lottery Ticket; and
  5. Scanner error, including bet slip reader and age verification scanner.

1.1.16 Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must immediately detect, display, and record in an error log the conditions listed in section 1.1.15.

1.1.17 Whenever it is technically possible, Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must communicate at a minimum the error conditions 1.1.15 a) and b) to the Backend System.

1.1.18 Lottery Terminals and Self-Service Terminals must, at minimum, immediately inform the user if there is a loss of communication with Associated Equipment or the Backend System. This message must be visible to the user at all times and may only be removed after the condition has been resolved.


1.1.19 There must be manual or automated mechanism(s) to mitigate incomplete printing of Lottery Tickets or vouchers. For example, in the case of printing errors such as partial printing, duplicate printing, or jams, the Backend System must void such Tickets and vouchers.

1.1.20 In case of Lottery Terminal or Self-Service Terminal Remote Disable, the Lottery Terminal or Self-Service Terminal must display an explanatory message and the printer must complete the printing of a valid Lottery Ticket.

1.1.21 The printer must not print duplicate Lottery Tickets. If reprint features are offered, such a Lottery Ticket must be clearly marked as “reprint”.


1.1.22 The scanner must be able to read accurately and communicate the appropriate results.

1.1.23 The outcome of the operation of using a scanner must be clear to the Seller and to the player, as applicable.

Age Verification Reader

1.1.24 Self-Service Terminals must utilize a mechanism to validate the identification provided by the player which indicates they are of legal age prior to permitting the purchase of a Lottery Ticket.

1.1.25 Self-Service Terminals that have validated the identification of the player to indicate they are of legal age must have a suitable mechanism in place to prevent another player from purchasing Lottery Tickets based on the age validation of the previous player.

2. Point of Sale (POS) Applications on Lottery Terminals or Self-Service Terminals

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General Requirements

2.1.1 POS applications must display sufficient information to be identifiable, such as the software name and version.

2.1.2 The ELS must only allow purchase of Lottery Tickets when conflicts will not occur, such as to prevent tickets from being purchased during the Draw time that will therefore not be included in the Draw.

2.1.3 POS applications must ensure all Lottery transactions are completely and accurately forwarded to the Backend System.

2.1.4 POS applications must clearly communicate all relevant information messages to Sellers and players during Lottery transactions, such as wagering, cancellations, validations, redemptions, and when a Lottery transaction is being rejected.

2.1.5 Lottery transactions must be securely, completely and accurately communicated between the POS application and Backend System:

  1. In real-time whenever possible; and
  2. As soon as possible when not possible in real-time such as during power or communication interruption.

2.1.6 All accepted payment mechanisms must be compliant with the applicable Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standard(s) as confirmed by a laboratory recognized by PCI Standards Security Council to make this determination.

2.1.7 All Personally Identifiable Information (PII) captured must be securely protected from unauthorized access.

2.1.8 There must be no hidden or undocumented buttons or touch points (if applicable) that affect any of the POS approved functions anywhere on the Lottery POS interface used for Game Play.

2.1.9 POS applications must not be adversely affected by the simultaneous or sequential activation of the various inputs and outputs.

2.1.10 There must be no negative integrity impacts from one Lottery Game to another Lottery Game.

2.1.11 User input fields must be validated to prevent invalid data from being entered which could potentially impact the integrity of the Game.

2.1.12 When POS limits on Lottery Ticket transactions configured in the Backend System are reached, there must be clear and accurate messaging to inform Sellers and players. The limits themselves must not negatively impact to the integrity of Lottery Games.

2.1.13 Sufficient reports must be available to review at minimum thirty (30) days’ history of Lottery Ticket transactions, accounting, and security logs.

2.1.14 A Remote Disable mechanism must be provided to disable the Lottery Terminal and Self-Service Terminal in real-time.

Lottery Terminal Applications

2.1.15 Lottery Terminal usage must be monitored by the Operator. The Lottery Terminal must be disabled when unlawful or non-compliant usage occurs, or any integrity or security issues occur.

Self-Service Terminal Applications

2.1.16 Self-Service Terminal usage, integrity, and security must be monitored by the Seller. The Self-Service Terminal must be disabled by the Seller to prevent unlawful or non-compliant usage, and to mitigate any detected integrity or security issues.

2.1.17 Self-Service Terminal usage, integrity, and security must be monitored by the Operator. The Self-Service Terminal must be disabled by the Operator when unlawful or non-compliant usage is detected, and to mitigate any integrity or security issues, when not already mitigated by the Seller.

2.1.18 Self-Service Terminals must limit a single purchase transaction to $300 or less.

2.1.19 Self-Service Terminals must limit redemption of prizes in a single transaction to non-cash prizes only having a combined value of $300 or less.

3. Game Behaviour

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3.1.1 The method of wagering must be straightforward with all relevant selections included in and verified by ELS before being accepted. This verification process must detect and block all invalid selections and in the event a wager is rejected must return a message explaining why the wager was rejected.

3.1.2 Clear indication must be issued when a wager has been accepted or rejected, along with the accurate cost of wager and credit balance.

3.1.3 The ELS must accurately issue a Lottery Ticket to the player per selected wagering options.

3.1.4 The ELS must provide functions, such as retry and cancel to mitigate Incomplete Wagers. Player transactions and accounting must remain accurate.

3.1.5 The ELS must prevent transactions that would exceed pre-set wagering limits from being completed and inform the player (directly or indirectly) of the reason. Examples of pre-set wagering limits include liability limitations for Sport and Event Betting on unique combinations of events, or products with fixed prizes where limits on chosen outcomes are in place.

3.1.6 Wagering must not be possible once the wagering period has been closed.

3.1.7 The ELS must make a complete and accurate record of wagered transactions available to players.

Lottery Tickets Integrity, Security and Auditability

3.1.8 Lottery Tickets must display the following information (where applicable):

  1. Cost of the Lottery Ticket, including when the Lottery Ticket has no associated cost;
  2. Game name and unique identifier;
  3. Game specific information for which the bet was placed, for example Lottery numbers;
  4. Draw date and Draw time indicator;
  5. Date and time of issuance;
  6. Lottery Terminal or Self-Service Terminal identifier;
  7. Unique Validation Number;
  8. Security code/feature(s), for example a barcode for Lottery Ticket recreation; and
  9. Any other Lottery Ticket specific information, such as expiration period.

3.1.9 Lottery Tickets must completely and accurately represent player’s wager.

3.1.10 The ELS must have an independent function to authenticate Lottery Tickets, for example to retrieve all relevant data about the Lottery Ticket in order to facilitate investigations and validation when required. This function is not required to be available on every Self-Service Terminal and Lottery Terminal.

3.1.11 All Lottery Ticket information and related transactions must be accurately captured in the Backend System reports to provide auditable trail of events.

Voiding Lottery Tickets

3.1.12 The act of voiding Lottery Tickets must be recorded with an auditable trail of events.

3.1.13 The ELS must ensure that the voiding of Lottery Tickets by players and Operators is secure.

3.1.14 It must not be possible to re-sell voided Lottery Tickets nor to reissue the corresponding Validation Numbers.

Lottery Draw

3.1.15 The Lottery Draw must be conducted through a random selection process satisfying applicable requirements from section 5. The Draw must include all valid Lottery numbers or Lottery Tickets, as applicable.

3.1.16 All Lottery Draws activities must be recorded with an auditable trail of events.


3.1.17 The Lottery POS must provide clear instructions on how to redeem Lottery Tickets after validation, where validation functionality is available.

3.1.18 The ELS must provide accurate winning selection information.

3.1.19 There must be a mechanism made easily available to players to enable self-checking of their Lottery Ticket.

3.1.20 The ELS must process winning Ticket validation and Award redemption securely.

3.1.21 For Lottery POS where Lottery Ticket validation functionality is available, upon validation, the Lottery POS must produce a notification of Award (i.e. audio and visual).

3.1.22 The ELS must log redemption of a winning Lottery Ticket with audit trail details.

3.1.23 The ELS must prevent payment of previously redeemed Lottery Tickets.

3.1.24 If a free Lottery Ticket as part of the winning prize cannot be printed due to printer error, the ELS must be able to mitigate the consequences, for example by reissuing such a Lottery Ticket.

3.1.25 The Lottery POS must issue the customer a receipt upon successful validation/redemption with the following information at a minimum:

  1. Location identifier;
  2. Unique Lottery Ticket Identifier which matches the Lottery Ticket being redeemed;
  3. Date and time; and
  4. Win Amount, if applicable and win category (for example free Lottery Ticket).

3.1.26 For winning Lottery Ticket with Draw(s) remaining, upon redemption, the ELS must have a mechanism to enable future redemption for remaining Draws.

3.1.27 Only a valid Lottery Ticket can be redeemed.

3.1.28 The ELS must detect invalid, tampered with or duplicated Lottery Tickets, where technically possible.

Draw Games

3.1.29 The ELS must provide clear separation between adjacent Draws, for example Draw close between Draw purchase periods.

3.1.30 The ELS must clearly indicate all information necessary to track the progress of bonus features, for example the instant component of Draw Games such as Watch n’ Win.

3.1.31 POS must notify players on any instant win (i.e. synchronized audio and visual) at the time of Lottery Ticket purchase.

3.1.32 Instant win information, for example winning symbols and Award printed on Lottery Ticket must match the information on Watch n’ Win display.

3.1.33 Instant win for a Draw Game with Watch n’ Win must be selected through a random selection process satisfying applicable requirements from section 5.

3.1.34 Lottery Ticket printing and Watch n’ Win animation must be coordinated in a way that Game integrity is not compromised, for example utilizing simultaneous animation and Lottery Ticket printing.

Sport and Event Betting

3.1.35 The Lottery POS, where applicable, must have capability to provide all the necessary Sport and Event Betting information in a clear and accurate manner. At the minimum, the following shall be provided:

  1. Information regarding markets available for betting;
  2. Sport and event lists;
  3. Payout odds and clear rules as to how the payouts are calculated;
  4. Specific rules of play for each category of betting;
  5. Conditions under which bets may be canceled or voided;
  6. Event date and time, including clear time-zone indication; and
  7. Any liability limits.

3.1.36 Sport and Event Betting shall only be possible after the information in 3.1.35 is available at the Lottery POS and not after the sport or event begins, is closed or suspended.

3.1.37 The ELS must be able to suspend on demand the following, at a minimum:

  1. All Sport and Event Betting;
  2. Betting on individual sports or other events;
  3. Betting on individual Sport and Event Betting markets; and
  4. Individual POS devices offering Sport and Event Betting.

3.1.38 Online slip builder functions must ensure accurate presentation of betting options in the electronic selection slip.

3.1.39 The ELS must implement good industry practices to ensure the security and integrity of betting utilizing electronic selection slips.

3.1.40 Electronic selection slips must be designed with good industry practices to ensure their security and integrity.

3.1.41 The ELS must have audit capability for electronic selection slips, including when they are saved for ticket issuance. At a minimum, this audit information must include betting options selected and the wager.

3.1.42 The ELS must have audit capability for the odds used in Sport and Event Betting. At a minimum, this must include the odds and the time, date and duration of odds posted for betting.

3.1.43 The Awards corresponding to Sport and Event Betting winning tickets must be based on the odds at the time when the bet was placed.

3.1.44 Notifications regarding odds changes for an individual sport or event must be provided promptly and clearly to players when the odds change after creation of electronic selection slips but prior to the bet being placed. In addition, the ELS must be updated accordingly.

3.1.45 The ELS must be designed to minimize any negative impacts on betting related to dynamically changing odds due to communication delays and system interruptions.