Application Guide: Convenience Store Licence & Grocery Store Licence

Last Updated

How to Use This Guide

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (the “AGCO”) Application Guide for Convenience Store Licence and Grocery Store Licence is a guide on applying for a convenience store and a grocery store licence with the AGCO. This guide is provided as a tool to assist potential convenience store and grocery store applicants during the application process. Applicants should always consult the relevant legislation, regulations and standards before proceeding.

Identifying Your Licence Type

Applicants looking to sell alcohol for retail sale to the public must obtain either a Convenience Store or Grocery Store Licence. Each licence permits the retail sale of beer, wine (including cider), and ready-to-drink beverages. Each licence has specific eligibility requirements and definitions as set out in O.Reg. 746/21, which you should review before submitting your application to identify the appropriate licence to apply for your store.

For ease of reference, the following is a summary of the definitions of a “convenience store” and a “grocery store”: 



  • The store must consist of no more than 4,000 square feet of retail floor space*
  • Food products offered for retail sale at the store (excluding prepared food products that may be consumed on site) must occupy at least half of the retail floor space
  • Must offer a variety of at least five of the following types of food products for in-person retail sale, other than prepared food products that may be consumed on site:
    1. canned food,
    2. dry food,
    3. frozen food,
    4. fresh fruits,
    5. fresh vegetables,
    6. meat or meat alternatives,
    7. dairy or dairy alternatives,
    8. non-alcoholic beverages,
    9. baked goods, and
    10. snack foods
  • The store is not  primarily identified to the public as a pharmacy


  • The store must consist of more than 4,000 square feet of retail floor space*
  • Food products offered for retail sale at the store (excluding prepared food products that may be consumed on site) must occupy:
    • at least 10,000 square feet of the retail floor space, or
    • at least half of the retail floor space
  • Must offer a variety of each of the following types of food products for in-person retail sale, other than prepared food products that may be consumed on site:
    1. canned food,
    2. dry food,
    3. frozen food,
    4. fresh fruits,
    5. fresh vegetables,
    6. meat or meat alternatives,
    7. dairy or dairy alternatives,
    8. non-alcoholic beverages,
    9. baked goods, and
    10. snack foods
  • The store is not primarily identified to the public as a pharmacy

*“Retail floor space” means any indoor space that is fully enclosed by walls in which products or services are offered for sale to the public.

During the application process, you will be asked to confirm a variety of eligibility requirements including:

  • The square footage of your retail floor space;
  • What portion of your retail floor space your food products occupy;
  • The variety of food products offered for in-person retail sale; and
  • Whether your store is or is not primarily identified to the public as a pharmacy under the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990.

Getting Started with iAGCO

Liquor-related applications will be accepted online via iAGCO.

iAGCO is the AGCO’s online service delivery portal that offers its customers a convenient and digital way of doing business with the AGCO. To access services from the iAGCO portal, you must first create an account and login.

Once an account has been created and you are logged in, the portal can be used to apply for, and manage and view the status of your liquor-related licence, including applications, renewals and changes (including changes to the ownership).

Before getting started in iAGCO:

  • When using iAGCO online services, it is important to understand that the process of completing your transaction takes time. This includes both the steps you must take and the review process by the AGCO.
  • Please be sure that you have prepared everything you need to complete your submission.
  • Do you have the required forms or documents to complete your transaction once you’re logged into the iAGCO portal?
    • Some transactions require forms to be signed and uploaded, which you can do before you create your account.
    • Once you have prepared the required documents, you can begin by creating your iAGCO account.

To create your account:

  • You will need a valid email address.
  • You can use any device or browser.
  • You must provide payment for applicable fees to complete the transaction.
  • Completing the transaction is not the end of the process. The AGCO will review your submission and  may request more information.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you currently have, or have previously held a licence, permit, authorization, and/or registration with the AGCO, you will require an access code(s) in order to connect your iAGCO account to your existing or previous file with the AGCO. The access code will allow you to view and manage your licence, permits, authorizations, and/or registrations. First-time applicants to the AGCO do not require an access code.
    • To obtain your access code, please call AGCO customer service at 416-326-8700 / 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario); 8:30AM – 5:00PM (Mon-Fri).

For more information on iAGCO online services, visit the iAGCO Information  page.

Fees & Payment

Applicants must pay a fee when applying for a Convenience Store Licence and a Grocery Store Licence. Fees must also be paid when these licences are renewed annually.

Fee payments must be received by the AGCO before an application can be processed. If an application is withdrawn, or if the AGCO Registrar issues a proposal to refuse to issue a Convenience Store Licence or a Grocery Store Licence for any reason, the fee is non-refundable.

The annual licensing fees are:

  • $500 for a convenience store licence  
  • $3,250 for a grocery store licence

These fees are subject to an annual inflationary adjustment starting on April 1, 2025, tied to Ontario’s Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Once Your Application is Approved

Applicants will receive an approval by email with a PDF of their licence that they can print off and display. Licensees are required to post their licence in a conspicuous place in the retail store.

Familiarize yourself with the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (“LLCA”), its regulations and the standards and requirements established by the AGCO Registrar and ensure that you understand all of the obligations that come with holding a Convenience Store Licence or a Grocery Store Licence. You may also find the AGCO’s Convenience Store Licence Obligation Guide and Grocery Store Licence Obligation Guide helpful in better understanding your responsibilities as a licence holder.

New Convenience store licence holders cannot start selling liquor until September 5, 2024 and new grocery store licensees cannot start selling liquor until October 31, 2024. Licence holders must obtain their liquor through an agreement with the LCBO. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is the sole wholesaler of record for all beverage alcohol products sold to licensed convenience and grocery stores.  If you have questions about product, ordering and distribution, please direct them to the LCBO. 


You can follow the status of your application via iAGCO portal or by contacting AGCO’s Contact Centre.