Performance measurement framework

The AGCO measures performance and program effectiveness by setting targets, assessing data and evaluating results. Through continuous evaluation and feedback, the AGCO is able to achieve the key objectives identified in the AGCO strategic plan.

The results from these measures, shown in the table below, demonstrate that the AGCO has met or surpassed the majority of agency targets, largely thanks to:

  • a continued focus on stakeholder engagement and an enhanced approach to stakeholder education;
  • a modern regulatory approach that is risk-based, outcomes-based and compliance-focused;
  • a hybrid work model that provides the tools and flexibility for a positive employee experience post-COVID;
  • the development of a strategy to address diversity, inclusion and accessibility at the AGCO; and
  • the continuous optimization of iAGCO.

The AGCO is committed to further developing an agency-wide performance strategy. The Business Optimization and Insights Branch is responsible for advancing multi-year goal setting, linking agency efforts to resource planning and developing a robust performance measurement framework to support transparency, accountability and regulatory effectiveness.

Modern Regulator

Being a Modern Regulator remains a key commitment and shapes how the AGCO regulates and works with its stakeholders. The AGCO is committed to leveraging evidence and effective stakeholder engagement as part of the development and implementation of its regulatory direction.


Key commitments

  • Serve the public interest through effective and innovative approaches to regulation in the alcohol, gaming, cannabis and horse racing sectors.
  • Make evidence-based decisions to regulate in the public interest.
  • Strengthen our organizational foundation to support the agency’s expanding priorities and business strategies.

Performance measures – Digital First

The AGCO provides user-based services and information through multiple windows and service channels anytime and anywhere.

  • Outcome metric: % of users using digital options to transact with the AGCO meets or exceeds target of 85%.

Table 33—Digital First




% of users using digital options to transact with the AGCO



Note: Number of digital applications and complaints received to the AGCO are used to calculate this total. The methodology for this metric was revised this past year to exclude inquiry volumes, and only include complaints and applications. The intention of this measure is to assess the nature of our clients/users choice, as it pertains to the channels that they decide to conduct their activities with us through.

The AGCO is a digital-first organization that provides convenient and consistent digital self-service channels anytime and anywhere for all its core services. Our goal is to create an optimal service experience for our applicants and licensees that better supports them in navigating the AGCO service journey and in understanding and meeting their compliance obligations.

Service Excellence

Service Excellence is a core foundation embedded throughout the AGCO’s work, from the AGCO’s core service delivery to licensing and registration, compliance, and investigations and enforcement. The AGCO applies a Service Excellence lens to ensure that the AGCO builds programs and policies that best serve the needs of our customers.


Key commitments

  • Continuously ensure a deep understanding of our stakeholders to anticipate and respond to their evolving needs.
  • Provide a positive experience through the delivery of services that are clear, timely and that meet the expectations of those we serve.


Performance measures – Value for Money

Table 34—Online Service and auto-issue

Ensuring value per transaction (internal and external) with a focus on streamlining process and reducing regulatory burden.

  • Output metric: % of applications for SOPs auto-issued meets or exceeds target of 90%.



% of applications for SOPs auto-issued



Note: AGCO has clear criteria for auto-issuance of applications which promote efficiency and reduced burden while maintaining regulatory controls in the public interest. Fluctuations slightly above or below the target are expected due to the nature of each individual application received within that fiscal year.   


Clear and timely services that meet expectations

The AGCO is committed to creating a positive experience for our licensees and registrants, as well as the public through the delivery of clear, timely services and meeting the expectations of those we serve. Through iAGCO, the agency’s digital services portal, 83,678 customer service transactions were initiated. The AGCO Customer Service supported 104,049 customer interactions including calls, webchats, online inquiries, email, and regular mail.

With the return to normal operations, the AGCO modernized its approach to in-person services by introducing a by-appointment model for most AGCO services with the exception of race day activities in horse racing. This change in service approach reflects shifting customer preferences away from in-person services that began prior to the pandemic with an uptake in digital service delivery and was further accelerated by pandemic related requirements.

In 2022–23, the AGCO implemented a new enterprise contact centre solution. This work included new multiple-channel functionality and enhanced knowledge base features that positions the AGCO to improve the consistency of its services and better meet evolving customer preferences and expectations of a modern contact centre environment.


Customer-centric design and delivery

To improve the design and delivery of AGCO services, the AGCO is working to better understand our stakeholders.

Service design tools and methodologies are being applied to key corporate projects to improve customer journeys and improve service outcomes. This included:

  • the establishment of a Licensing & Registration Survey to better gauge customer satisfaction and support continuous improvement of the AGCO’s licensing experience;
  • establishing user research and service design requirements for the selection of a vendor to support the redesign of the AGCO website;
  • the use of human-centred design to support liquor and gaming modernization initiatives. 

The AGCO uses service insights such as customer satisfaction surveys and complaints, inquiries and service performance measures from iAGCO to better listen to customers and identify opportunities for service improvement. This has led to improvements in both the website and iAGCO application guidance.


AGCO customer service standards

The people of Ontario expect a lot from government services, including those offered by the AGCO. This past year, the AGCO updated its customer service standards to better demonstrate its commitment to its goal of service excellence. The AGCO’s specific service commitment around general service standards have been published on our website for common service interactions, like when a customer contacts us, asks a question or makes a complaint. These updates help create a more positive service experience for our customers by letting them know what they can expect in their service journey with the AGCO.

Additional service standards are planned to address those services our customers care about most, like application processing times.

People First

The AGCO continues to invest in the strength of our people and understands the importance of developing and fostering this organizational priority. A people-first mindset and an ongoing commitment to diversity, inclusion and accessibility are central to achieving progress on this strategic goal.


Key commitments

  • Champion an inclusive workplace by implementing recommendations from the AGCO’s DI&A strategy to further develop employees’ wellbeing and best serve the people of Ontario.
  • Develop our talent to empower employees and nurture our internal talent succession pool.


Performance measures – Employee Experience

Table 35—Employee experience

The level of engagement and enablement is directly correlated with higher productivity, increased motivation and job satisfaction.

  • Outcome metric: The percentage of AGCO staff who would recommend AGCO as a place to work meets or exceeds target of 75%.
  • Outcome metric: The percentage of AGCO staff who believe they have opportunities to have their ideas adopted and put into use meets or exceeds target of 70%.



The % of AGCO staff who would recommend AGCO as a place to work



The % of AGCO staff who believe they have opportunities to have their ideas adopted and put into use



A key factor in the AGCO’s success has been a highly engaged workforce, which has played a crucial role in driving innovation and productivity to new heights.

For the 2022–23 year, the AGCO is pleased to report a 6% increase in employee recommendations, with 95% of employees saying they would recommend AGCO as a place to work. This reflects a strong commitment to being a People First employer, where employees’ total well-being is top priority. The AGCO remains committed to providing employees with a hybrid work model that supports their work-life balance, and extensive training opportunities that foster a culture of continuous learning and career growth.

The AGCO’s commitment to employee engagement has led to significant improvements in the adoption and implementation of employee ideas, with a 14% increase in the percentage of employees who believe their ideas are being utilized. Employee input is essential to driving innovation and improving organizational outcomes.

Regular pulse surveys and Ask Us Anything sessions with the senior executive team have been instrumental in providing valuable insights to improve in these areas. The AGCO is committed to taking meaningful actions to promote employee development, well-being and ensure that the AGCO remains a great place to work for everyone.

Table 36 – Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DI&A)

  • Outcome metric: The % of AGCO staff who believe the AGCO is making progress on its DI&A commitment meets or exceeds 91%.
  • Outcome metric: The % of AGCO staff who feel able to bring their “whole selves” to work meets or exceeds 92%.



The % of AGCO staff who believe the AGCO is making progress on its DI&A commitment

87% (September)

91% (Feb)

The % of AGCO staff who feel able to bring their “whole selves” to work

87% (September)

91% (Feb)

Note: The measures above reflect one point in time and are sourced from surveys conducted in September 2021 and February 2023.

This year marks the first full year of implementation for the AGCO’s multi-year DI&A Strategy. The strategy, developed in 2021, gained momentum in 2022–23 with a strong focus on strengthening and embedding DI&A into AGCO’s culture.

The number of staff who believe the AGCO is making progress on its DI&A commitment has risen this year, in part due to the many initiatives to highlight the importance of DI&A. Staff have been provided with training and development opportunities with a DI&A focus and Intercultural Development Inventory training for 69 staff in leadership roles. The AGCO established a new DI&A Award to recognize staff making great strides in this area, and the coaching and performance program has been updated to hold staff accountable for their own DI&A journey.

These initiatives, and many more, have contributed to the percentage of AGCO staff who feel able to bring their “whole selves to work”.