Strategic planning goals and themes

The AGCO’s strategic plan outlines the vision and strategic goals for the organization. The AGCO is currently in the fourth year of its five-year strategic plan.

The AGCO seeks to achieve its vision of being a world-class regulator that is innovative, proactive, inclusive and socially responsible through its three strategic goals: Modern Regulator, Service Excellence and People First.

AGCO strategic plan. Text version below.

Text version of strategic plan
Our Strategic Goals Modern Regulator Service Excellence People First
Our Key Commitments
  • Serve the public interest through effective and innovative approaches to regulation in the alcohol, gaming, cannabis and horse racing sectors
  • Make evidence-based decisions to regulate in the public interest
  • Strengthen our organizational foundation to support the agency’s expanding priorities and business strategies
  • Continuously ensure a deep understanding of our stakeholders to anticipate and respond to their evolving needs
  • Provide a positive experience through the delivery of services that are clear, timely and that meet the expectations of those we serve
  • Champion an inclusive workplace by implementing recommendations from the AGCO’s DI&A strategy to further develop employee’s wellbeing and best serve the people of Ontario
  • Develop our talent to empower employees and nurture our internal talent succession pool