Project Overview

The Electronic Raffle Framework initiative got its start in 2014, when the Government of Canada amended the Criminal Code to allow provincial governments and other licensing authorities to begin licensing charities and religious organizations to use computers for the sale of tickets, selection of winners, and distribution of prizes for raffles, including 50/50 draws. Before this change, only provincially-operated lottery schemes were permitted to use computers.

Given the possible scope of changes, Ontario is taking a comprehensive approach to the development of a regulatory framework for electronic raffles. As a first step, the AGCO launched an interim electronic raffle framework in September 2016, which included Mega Raffle charities—charities that have offered raffles with prize boards of over $1 million for several years—and the charitable foundations who participated in the OLG Electronic Raffle 50/50 Pilot Program. The lessons learned from the interim framework will inform the development of the broader electronic raffle framework. You can find more information about the interim framework in the AGCO’s Information Bulletin No. 77.

Along with the AGCO’s ongoing work on the interim framework, we launched an extensive consultation process in Fall 2016. We released a consultation paper “Developing a Regulatory Framework for Electronic Raffles in Ontario” in October 2016 and welcomed written submissions from stakeholders and the public. Following the consultation paper, we held roundtable meetings with a variety of stakeholder groups, including charitable organizations and associations, responsible gambling groups, electronic raffle suppliers, and municipalities and government partners.

Through both the written submissions and the roundtable meetings, the AGCO has gained substantial insights into how a regulatory framework could best address the needs of stakeholders and mitigate the potential risks that come with the use of computers for raffles. We received many recommendations on how a future framework could allow charities to reduce administrative burden and costs while raising more funds for the causes they support, and how the AGCO could help to promote a transparent, efficient, and accessible market for electronic raffle systems and supplies. We also heard from experts in the field of responsible gambling about how to minimize the risks of problem gambling related to charitable raffles.

This Findings Report reflects the feedback received from stakeholders throughout this consultation period, primarily through formal responses to the consultation paper and comments made during roundtable meetings. The stakeholder feedback outlined in this report does not necessarily represent the views of the AGCO or the Government of Ontario. This report will also provide information on the next steps in the development of the regulatory framework. This report will be distributed to the stakeholders that participated in the consultations and it has been made available on the AGCO’s website.

Please note that although the consultation period is officially closed with the release of this Findings Report, the AGCO always welcomes input and feedback. Comments can be submitted by email at