Message from the CEO

On behalf of the AGCO, I am pleased to release the Findings Report for the Electronic Raffle Framework initiative.

This is an exciting time for charitable gaming in Ontario. We have seen many changes in the past few years, including the introduction of electronic games in bingo halls and the recent launch of the “Catch the Ace” progressive raffle pilot. Now, with the amendment to the Criminal Code to allow charities and religious organizations to use computers to conduct and manage raffles, we have the opportunity to develop an electronic raffle regulatory framework. Our objective is to take an approach that is focused on the achievement of clear regulatory outcomes that allows for innovation, flexibility, and the greatest possible benefits to charities, all while remaining engaged in productive conversations with our many stakeholders.

Stakeholder engagement is one of the AGCO’s key organizational commitments, and as such, we have welcomed the opportunity to hear from stakeholders about their ideas for the future of charitable raffles. I am happy to say that the engagement process on electronic raffles provided the AGCO with substantial feedback and many good ideas for how to move forward. We have seen that the charitable gaming sector prioritizes honesty and integrity, and wishes to provide raffles in a responsible manner. Through our engagement process, we heard from many stakeholders about how electronic raffles could help their organizations. At the AGCO, we understand that charitable raffles are important fundraising opportunities, and we want to ensure that charities can benefit from the use of computers.

This findings report will summarize all the feedback that the AGCO has heard to date, either through formal responses to our consultation paper, conversations at our roundtable meetings with stakeholders, or other channels. This input feeds directly into the development of a regulatory framework for the broader implementation of electronic raffles across the province. This is a large and complex undertaking, and implementation will take a phased approach.

While the formal consultation period has now closed, we are always happy to hear from our stakeholders and we will continue to engage in a constructive dialogue as we move forward in the development and implementation of the regulatory framework for electronic raffles. On behalf of the AGCO, I would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations that took the time and effort to provide thoughtful feedback and ideas for the future of electronic raffles.

Sincerely, Jean Major
Chief Executive Officer and Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing