Charitable Gaming Advertising Guidelines For Pooling Bingo Halls

These Guidelines apply to all stakeholders involved in Advertising and marketing activities for Pooling Bingo Halls, except where otherwise indicated. This includes Hall Charities Associations, charities involved in the conduct and management of lotteries at these halls, Bingo Hall Owners or Operators, manufacturers and suppliers to the bingo halls, and any organizations or associations representing these parties.

While the content guidelines are specific to the elements contained in the Advertisement or components of marketing and promotions, the principles also apply to the placement of Advertisements. For instance, where the content of an Advertisement cannot appeal directly or indirectly to persons under the age of 18, they also must not be placed in any medium that would target persons under the age of 18.

Content Guidelines

All Advertising should be considered on the basis of any expressed or implied message which may be conveyed. The guidelines apply to all aspects of the Advertisement such as the more obvious copy, graphics, lyrics, script and video, as well as the less obvious but influential aspects such as background music and vocal inflection.

All content, including graphics, used to Advertise and promote licensed Charitable Gaming Events must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. The content must depict charitable gaming in accordance with the principles of honesty and integrity.
  2. The content must comply with all applicable Terms and Conditions, Registrar’s Standards and adherence to these Advertising Guidelines and LLPM.
  3. The content must not suggest any illegal gaming or depict illegal gaming.
  4. The content must not imply that participating in gaming activity promotes or is necessary for:
    • financial success;
    • social acceptance;
    • professional achievement;
    • personal success;
    • sexuality or sexual opportunity;
    • the fulfillment of any goal; or
    • the resolution of financial, social, physical or personal problems.
  5. With the exception of Public Service Advertising content must not appeal, either directly or indirectly to persons under the age of 18 or be placed in media targeted specifically at persons under the age of 18.
  6. Celebrity endorsements must not state or imply that playing games of chance has contributed to the celebrity’s success.
  7. The content should be created in a manner that is in keeping with the standards of responsible gaming.