Your Objection
Residents wishing to object to an application may do so online at iAGCO . Your objection must include:
- The name of and address of the proposed liquor licensed establishment
- Your name and address
- Your phone number
- The basis for your objection
- Whether you would be willing to attend a meeting or hearing about the application
In stating your objection, be as specific as possible. Explain why the addition or expansion of the proposed liquor licensed establishment would be of concern to your neighbourhood. Relate your objection to the impact of the sale and service of liquor or any previous problems at the premises.
If you are concerned with parking or garbage problems created by a new bar or restaurant, you should contact your local municipal office.
If the AGCO receives a written objection to the issuance of a liquor sales licence by the date indicated on the placard, and it is determined by the Registrar that the objection is not frivolous or vexatious, then a decision will be made to either first set up a public meeting conducted by the AGCO or issue a Notice of Proposal to Review the Licence Application which can be appealed by the licence applicant to the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT).
The applicant will be notified of the objections and will be given copies of the letters of objection, including information about the objector. This gives the applicant an opportunity to work with objectors to address their concerns.