ADMINISTRATION DIRECTIVE NO. 1 – 2022 – Transfer of Cancellation Fee Oversight

Last Updated


WHEREAS the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) was recently approached by representatives from industry stakeholders to consider revising Policy Directive No. 1-2009: Cancellation Fees, in place since March 25, 2009;  

AND WHEREAS since March 25, 2009, there have been significant changes in the industry, most notably the merger between the Ontario Racing Commission (“ORC”) and the AGCO on April 1, 2016, which resulted in the roles and responsibilities of the former ORC being shared among various agencies, namely, AGCO, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (“OLG”) and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (“OMAFRA”); 

AND WHEREAS as part of transfer of responsibilities economic regulation of the industry was shifted to the OLG and following discussions with OLG it was agreed that oversight of cancellation fees now rests properly with OLG;   

TAKE NOTICE THAT, pursuant to his authority under sections 2 and 5 of the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015 the Registrar directs the following which is not subject to appeal: 

  1. Oversight of cancellation fees is hereby transferred to OLG;   
  2. Policy Directive No. 1-2009: Cancellation Fees is hereby revoked;
  3. The Rules of Standardbred Racing are hereby revised as follows:

    21.01.02  Extreme Temperature Standard

    In the event of extreme temperature, the decision to cancel racing shall be made by an Association applying the Extreme Temperature Standard. and Policy Directive 1-2009 Cancellation Fees


  4. The Rules of Thoroughbred Racing are hereby revised as follows: 

    Extreme Temperature Standard 

    14.06 In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the decision to cancel racing shall be made by an Association applying the Extreme Temperature Standard and Policy Directive 1-2009 Cancellation Fees.


Tom Mungham