Third Party Management

1.18 Operators and gaming-related suppliers shall only contract with reputable suppliers. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

1.19 Operators are responsible for the actions of third parties with whom they contract for the provision of any aspect of the Operator’s business related to gaming in Ontario and must require the third party to conduct themselves in so far as they carry out activities on behalf of the operator as if they were bound by the same laws, regulations, and standards.

1.20 Operators and gaming-related suppliers shall maintain a list of suppliers that provide them with goods or services in relation to lottery schemes and shall make it available to the Registrar upon request. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

1.21 Operators must ensure that no independent third parties that engage in direct-to-consumer marketing, direct-to-consumer promotion, or player referral services for the Operator under contract, in exchange for commissions, or for any other form of compensation also undertake such activities related to online gaming sites that facilitate or accept wagers from players in Ontario without an AGCO registration.

Guidance: This Standard covers the activities of those entities that Operators and others in the gaming industry commonly refer to as “affiliates” or “marketing affiliates”, which are often paid or otherwise compensated to refer to customers to another business’ products, services, or websites through direct-to-consumer marketing services. This commonly understood term used among gaming registrants and other entities involved in gaming, and known as “affiliates”  or “marketing affiliates”, is used here for guidance purposes only, and is distinct from how that term may be used in any other regulatory scheme.