(2) Staffing

2.1 The licensee must designate at least two (2) bona fide active members to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct of the raffle. The designated members in charge must be at least 18 years of age and be responsible for:

  1. supervising all activities related to the conduct of the raffle;
  2. completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event;
  3. ensuring that all terms and condi­tions of the licence and any additional conditions imposed by the licensing authority, are complied with;
  4. supervising all ticket sellers;
  5. keeping all required records and depositing all monies into the desig­nated lottery trust account;
  6. reconciling all tickets.

2.2 The licensee may recruit sufficient per­sons to assist with the sale of tickets.

2.3 The licensee may use the services of a person to assist in the conduct of the raffle provided the person is reg­istered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and Regulations or is otherwise exempt.

2.4 The licensee must not allow any person who has had a registration under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 revoked or refused to participate in any way in the conduct of the event.