(2) Staffing

The licensee must designate a minimum of three (3) persons to represent the licensee, who have other activities beyond conducting lotteries within the organization, to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct and management of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event, to hold the following positions:

  • Designated Representative in Charge,
  • General Cashier, and
  • Chip Cashier.

The above designated persons representing the licensee must not be related or associated with the registered Supplier, or an employee thereof.

A minimum of three (3) designated persons, at least 18 years of age, with each representing one (1) of the above positions, must be present continuously during the conduct of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event and, on behalf of the licensee, be responsible for:

  1. supervising all activities related to the conduct and management of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event;
  2. completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event;
  3. keeping all required records;
  4. observing play; controlling chips, cash and playing cards; chip movement; and reconciling all cash and chip transactions in a timely manner during the conduct of the event;
  5. witnessing and authorizing all cash and chip transactions at the cage in a timely manner during the event;
  6. reviewing and approving financial and gaming control sheets, including the calculation of the daily and event wins.

2.1 The licensee must set up a bank to be managed and controlled continuously by two (2) persons representing the licensee who will hold the positions of General Cashier and Chip Cashier.

  1. The General Cashier will be responsible for reconciling and recording all cash and chip transactions.
  2. The Chip Cashier will be responsible for verifying table openers and closers, reconciling and recording all chip transactions, controlling fill and credit documents and transactions and supervising all chip and table runners.

2.2 Each licensee will be responsible for deciding how all other positions at the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event will be staffed. The licensee has the option of:

  1. using volunteers, or;
  2. using full-time employees of the licensee, including those whose primary duty is fundraising but not including persons whose primary duty is to provide gaming services that a registered Supplier or registered Gaming Assistant would provide, or;
  3. using registered Gaming Assistants employed by a Supplier registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992, or;
  4. using any combination of paragraphs 2.3(a), (b) and (c).

2.3 The licensee must not allow any person who has had a registration under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 revoked, suspended or refused to participate in any way in the conduct, management or operation of the event.

2.4 The licensee must not pay for the wages of the registered Supplier’s employees.

2.5 The licensee must ensure that no Pit Boss, Floor Person or other Supervisor, Designated Representative in Charge, chip or table runners, dealer, other employee or persons representing the licensee solicits any tip or gratuity from any patron at the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event.

2.6 The licensee may permit a dealer, and only a dealer, to accept tips or gratuities from patrons at the gaming table at which the dealer is conducting play, provided that the tips are pooled and distributed among dealers on a pro rata basis.

2.7 The licensee must provide the licensing authority with a financial report outlining the results of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event on the prescribed form.