Supporting Economic Development and Industry Innovation

The Issue

The long-term sustainability and success of Ontario’s horse racing industry relies heavily on the ability of racetracks to offer a high-quality racing product that attracts a substantial wagering pool from multiple betting channels (i.e. on-site, inter-track, off-site, and online wagering). As Ontario’s horse racing regulatory authority, the AGCO can play a role in supporting economic development and innovation in Ontario’s Horse Racing Indus- try. Regulatory tools can, in appropriate circumstances, be used to advance the commercial success of horse racing in Ontario as a whole.

What We Heard

Many participants provided the AGCO feedback on economic factors and issues impacting the industry such as purse structure, betting products, and breeding programs—which do not fall within the AGCO’s mandate. Many ideas shared in this report are ideas which support the removal of regulatory barriers that prevent or inhibit businesses to grow, or allow for new businesses to enter into the industry.

Public Perception

Respondents indicated that to ensure economic sustainability of the industry going forward, public confidence in animal welfare practices for Ontario horse racing is critical. Stakeholders expressed that the public would likely not support an industry that is not taking action to prevent substandard animal care, limit injury, and provide for a full animal life expectancy. In addition it was suggested that backstretch and race paddock areas be open to the general public enabling fans to see horses close up and meet industry participants. Some partici- pants felt this concept was great in nature, but realistically could create safety issues and would require some management.

Industry Engagement On Rule Changes

In addition to a focus on enhancing public confidence to improve industry support, the industry also requested increased on-going collaboration with the AGCO for the development, removal, and reform of rules, policies, and procedures. Recommended avenues for enhancing collaboration on reforms included:

  • Collaborate with industry to ensure that regulatory functions fully consider economic development and innovation in the horse racing industry.
  • Consultations should strive to be transparent and inclusive of all racing participants, not just large racetracks and associations.
  • Formalize an ongoing rules review industry group. This could include a task-force staffed with industry representatives and AGCO employees charged with simplifying and streamlining AGCO’s Rules of Racing. The group could include a formal feedback process from the wider industry so reviews provide representative input.
  • Rule changes should be drafted with veterinary and animal welfare experts.
  • Horseplayers suggested the need for ongoing engagement with AGCO to ensure the customer’s perspective is captured. Horseplayer’s representation at the governance level within industry would be especially beneficial to the industry as a whole.