Letter from the CEO

I am pleased to release the Findings Report for the ‘Moving Ahead: Horse Racing Regulation in Ontario’ project.

We have come a long way since the merger of the Ontario Racing Com- mission (ORC) and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) in April 2016, at which time the AGCO assumed responsibility for the regulation of Ontario’s Horse Racing Industry. The past eight months have been filled with stakeholder driven engagement, which has resulted in over 600 ideas being brought forward, both new and familiar, for regulatory reform in Ontario’s Horse Racing Industry. Industry participants from all three breeds, horseplayers, and government bodies have all come together to share ideas and work as a community, as the AGCO moves to modernize the regulation of horse racing.

The AGCO is no stranger to such engagement-driven modernization initiatives, in recent years the AGCO has overhauled its approach to gaming regulation by establishing a set of modern regulatory standards. In the beverage alcohol sector, the AGCO has consulted extensively with stakeholders to move ahead with a series of policy changes that remove barriers to new investment and innovation. Engagement in these sectors continues, as it will in horse racing.

I am pleased to say that the two-phased engagement process for Moving Ahead has brought forward many good ideas for regulatory reform, focusing on equine and participant health and safety, as well as consistency and transparency in officiating; all areas of interest and utmost importance to the AGCO, and to the general public. It is no surprise to me that the industry has focused on improving these areas as this industry is one of passion and historic dedication to its equine athletes, and the racing community.

Phase One of this initiative saw the AGCO receive 64 submissions in response to our consultation paper. Phase Two involved 17 Roundtable sessions over a three month period, attended by over 150 participants.

Of course, our consultation process does not end there. The following pages will summarize feedback on reform initiatives provided to the AGCO by industry; either through formal written submission, conversations, or discussions at Roundtables.

The AGCO is reviewing all the findings to identify areas where we can move ahead with reforms. We will be establishing industry Working Groups to discuss in greater depth, some of the more complex issues that were identified in the consultation. These discussions will provide input to the AGCO for the purpose of making positive regulatory reform by building policies, rules, and new procedures that make sense for Ontario’s Horse Racing Industry – further delivering on our “Made in Ontario” approach to horse racing regulation.

The AGCO is looking forward to starting off the 2017 racing season with further discussions with the industry to ensureregulation in Ontario continues to modernize. I encourage you to follow along at the Moving Ahead webpage.