

Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Thursday, May 27, 2010 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended as follows, effective immediately.

Chapter 15

Rule 15.09  A claimed horse, regardless of ownership:

<<Continued >>

(b)     shall only be entered in a claiming race within 15 days of the horse being claimed, if it is entered in a claiming race in a class higher than the race from which it was claimed. For the purpose of this requirement, a “class higher “shall be not less than 20 % more than the amount for which the horse was claimed.

(b)        Deleted

<<Continued >>



John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Wednesday, July 28, 2010 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective September 15, 2010, except where noted otherwise.

Please note:  Additions to rules are noted in bold.

Chapter 2


Preference Date means a date in which a horse has been drawn in to start.

Chapter 6


Rule 6.02  Violation of the following shall make offenders liable to a fine or suspension:

  1. failure to drive when programmed without having been excused by the Judges;
  2. use of offensive  or profane language;
  3. Delete;
  4. Failure to wear silks when warming up a horse prior to racing;
  5. Disturbing the peace;
  6. Failure to have proper saddle cloth on a horse when warming up for a race;
  7. Failure to participate in, or being late for a post parade without permission of the Judges; or
  8. Failure to have proper head number and saddle cloth on a horse when racing;
  9. Smoking is prohibited within 10 feet of any designated signed areas, stall, tack room, shedrow or any portion of a barn including the paddock. For the purpose of this rule, the paddock will include the cafeteria, drivers’/jockeys’ change room, washrooms and offices within the paddock area. Smoking shall also be prohibited on the racetrack:
    1. while mounted on a race horse or pony and /or
    2. while warming up a horse within two hours of post time of the first race or during the race card.

Penalty for an infraction of Rule 6.02(i):

  • First offence will result in a $50 fine,
  • Second offence within a year of the first offence will result in a $300 fine or a 5 day suspension or both,
  • Third offence within a year of the first offence will result in a minimum fine of $500 and a 7 day suspension,
  • Fourth offence within a year of the first offence will result in a indefinite suspension and referral to the Director.

Rule 6.48.02  The holder of a licence as an owner and/or trainer issued by the Commission shall constitute permission to allow a person designated by the Director to collect or otherwise obtain biological samples from any horse owned and/or trained by a licencee, for purposes of testing. Samples may be collected and tested at any time, whether stabled on or off the grounds of the racing association. Where a blood sample has been collected for purposes of TC02 testing, that sample may be used for testing for the indication of the administration of erythropoietin or any of its synthetic derivatives, and/or any other substance as designated by the Director. The application for a licence as an owner and/or trainer issued by the Commission shall constitute permission for a person designated by the Director to obtain that blood sample for such purposes.

NEW Rule 6.53  No person shall administer, attempt to administer, or cause to be administered, any medication by a nasogastric tube to a horse on race day prior to its race, except for emergency treatment, which treatment will result in the horse being scratched from the race.

Chapter 8


Rule 8.14  A veterinarian who dispenses a drug or medication shall label the container in which the drug or medication is dispensed with the following information:

  1. name, strength and quantity of the drug or medication,
  2. date dispensed,
  3. name and address of the dispensing veterinarian,
  4. identity of the horse for which it is prescribed,
  5. name of the trainer of the horse, and
  6. the directions for use and the detection limit determined in accordance with Rule 8.10.01,
  7. In the event that the a drug or medication is to be dispensed to multiple horses from a single container, such container shall be marked “BARN USE”, and will be exempt from items 2 and 4 above and replaced by a written log, in the prescribed form, identifying the horses for which the drug or medication was prescribed, the date dispensed and all other information required in the prescribed form.

(Effective date of this amendment shall be subject to the closing of the public process)

Chapter 15


Rule 15.09  A claimed horse, regardless of ownership, shall only race at a track or tracks in the province of Ontario for the next 60 days, except where such horse has been nominated to participate in an added money event before it was claimed, or unless the track where the horse was claimed closes for more than 30 days. In the case of a track closing for more than 30 days, the horse is released from the provisions of this rule the day after the track closes. For the purposes of this rule, racetracks operated by Woodbine Entertainment Group shall be considered one track. Any person who violates this rule shall be subject to a suspension or fine of 10% of the claiming price or 100% of the purse for each race, whichever is greater and the horse may be suspended. A claimant shall be held in violation of this rule if he or she disposes of the horse in any manner other than by claiming and the horse races outside of the Province of Ontario within 60 days of the horse being claimed.

Chapter 17


Rule 17.10  Starters and also eligibles for overnight events shall be drawn by lot from horses properly declared to start, except that preference shall be given according to a horse’s last scheduled start in a purse race, other than races designated as schooling races, at the gait for which it is declared.  In addition, preference shall be governed by the following:

  1. if more than the required number of horses are declared in with the same   preference date, the previous two preference dates shall apply. A race secretary may draw by lot if more than two previous preference dates are identical. These procedures are to be carried out at the time of the draw in the presence of licensed participants;
  2. when a horse is racing for the first time at the gait declared, it shall have preference over other horses regardless of their preference dates;
  3. if a declaration is made for a horse that has already been drawn in to start in a race that has not yet been contested, the date of that uncontested race shall be its preference date;
  4. the declarer shall be responsible for providing acceptable evidence of exact preference dates governed by eligible declarations or starts in uncontested races made at other tracks;
  5. when a race has been reopened for additional declarations, preference shall be given to those horses eligible and declared at the time declarations closed originally;
  6. if conditions so specify, preference can be given to two-year-olds, regardless of preference date;
  7. if a horse was scratched due to error or negligence by an official or employee of the association;
  8. when otherwise determined by the Judges;
  9. not withstanding Rule 22.33.

Rule 17.12.02  If 17.12.01 (a) or (b) applies to an owner, the horse may race as a separate betting interest, with the approval of the Judges, if the owner is not required to be licensed under the rules, or is an added money event.              

Chapter 18


Rule 18.08.02  A horse while on stride, or part of the horse’s sulky, that leaves the race course by going inside the pylons which constitutes the inside limits of the course, when not forced to do so as a result of the actions of another driver and/or horse, shall be in violation of this rule.  In addition, when an act of interference causes a horse, or part of the horse’s sulky, to cross inside the pylons and the horse is placed by the Judges, the offending horse shall be placed behind the horse with which it interfered.

For purposes of placing the following shall apply:

  1. If a horse while on stride, or part of the horse’s sulky, goes inside two (2) consecutive pylons, the offending horse shall be placed behind all horses that are lapped on to the offending horse at the wire,
  2. If a horse while on stride, or any part of the horse’s sulky, goes inside three (3) or more consecutive pylons, the offending horse shall be placed last,
  3. If in the opinion of the Judges a horse while on stride, or part of the horse’s sulky, goes inside a pylon(s) and that action gave the horse an unfair advantage over other horses in the race or the action helped improve its position in the race, the horse may be placed at the discretion of the Judges.

Drivers who in the opinion of the Judges leave the racing course when not forced to do so as a result of another driver and/or horse may be fined or suspended.

Penalties for drivers violating Rule 18.08.02 are as follows:

  • for the 1st offence, a fine of $100 shall be assessed;
  • for the 2nd offence within a year of the 1st offence and within 750 drives of the 1st offence, a fine of $300 shall be assessed;
  • for the 3rd offence within a year of the 1st offence and within 750 drives of the 1st offence, a minimum fine of $500 plus a suspension for 3 days shall be assessed;
  • for the 4th offence within a year of the 1st offence and within 750 drives of the 1st offence, a minimum fine of $1,000 and a suspension for 5 days shall be assessed.

Chapter 20


Rule 20.03.01  Where a horse, entered to race, is scratched by the judges, as a result of the horse having received any:

  1. medication;
  2. medical treatment; or
  3. medical procedure;

the judges may impose a fine upon the trainer of the horse unless the trainer satisfies the judges that the medication, medical procedure or treatment was in the best interests of the health of the horse.

Chapter 22


Rule 22.25  Any trainer who wishes to change any bridle, hopples, length of hopples or shoes on a horse from one race to another shall apply to the Judges at least one (1) hour prior to the first scheduled post time of the day, or a time prescribed by the Association, for permission to do so, and no change shall be made without such permission. The Judges shall assure themselves of the necessity for any change of bridles, hopples, length of hopples or shoes before granting permission. Any such change, or change(s) of a nature which the Judges are of the opinion that the public should be advised shall be communicated to the public as soon as possible.

NEW Rule 22.32.01  Where, after the horses were released at the starting point the Judges determine that due to exceptional circumstances a race was prevented from having a fair chance to be contested, in the interest of the public the judges may order the race stopped.

Rule 22.38.05  All horses that race are eligible to be selected by the Judges for blood gas testing. The entry of a horse shall constitute permission for a person designated by the approved TC02 laboratory to obtain blood samples. To the extent that it is feasible, the owner, trainer or other person responsible for the horse will be given notice that the horse is to be tested and may be present when the blood sample is taken. Refusal by an owner, trainer or other person responsible for the horse to attend the taking of the sample will not affect the validity of the test. Any owner, trainer or other person responsible for the horse who refuses or fails to permit the taking of a sample from a horse shall have all applicable horses scratched by the Judges. Such refusal shall be deemed an admission of a violation of Rule 22.38 empowering the Judges to hold a hearing whereby the penalties contemplated by 22.38.06 may be imposed. It shall be the responsibility of the trainer of a horse selected for post-race testing to see that the horse is taken directly to the testing barn or retention area immediately after being notified of the horse’s selection for testing.

Commission Judges will select the horses to be tested and advise the approved TC02 laboratory personnel accordingly. Commission Judges may also instruct the approved TC02 laboratory personnel to collect samples from every horse in selected races.

The approved TC02 laboratory is responsible for:

  1. collecting blood samples, by an authorized person (veterinarian or RAHT – Registered Animal Health Technician, or other person approved by the Commission) from each selected horse into two plasma separator tubes;
  2. collecting the samples within approximately 20 minutes immediately preceding the start of the race in which the selected horse is entered, or as directed by an ORC Judge. The ORC Judges may also direct the collection of the sample from a selected horse at least 90 minutes after a race in a secured area designated by the Judges;
  3. ensuring that the samples are centrifuged within approximately 20 minutes of collection and kept under refrigerated conditions until shipped;
  4. shipping the samples to the laboratory in an insulated container;
  5. analysing samples for TC02 using a Beckman Synchron EL-ISE;
  6. analysing samples within 48 hours, or up to a maximum of 96 hours in exceptional circumstances, of collection and reporting all results to the Commission and the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency.

NEW Rule 22.39  An owner and/or trainer wishing to race a horse upon the grounds of an association in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency for the use of penicillin G procaine must so declare on the applicable form which fulfills the requirements of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency. This form must be signed by the  horse’s  veterinarian or trainer and deposited in a locked box in a place designated by the Ontario Racing Commission or provided to  a test inspector no later than one half (1/2) hour before the post time of the race in which the horse is entered.

Chapter 31


Rule 31.01  A Standardbred Canada field representative shall:


b)  input to and maintain accurately the Standardbred Canada database, including:


            (xi)   Delete


  Chapter 37


Rule 37.02  When an order for a biological sample has been made by the Director, the samples will be taken by a veterinarian employed by the Commission, an Official Veterinarian, or a qualified person approved by the Commission Supervisor of Veterinarians, to determine whether or not the horse has any drug, medication or other substance in its system.

NEW Rule 37.09  Owners and/or trainers of horses shall allow a person designated by the Director access at any time, whether on or off the grounds of a racing association, to the following:

  1. stabling areas;
  2. training areas; and/or
  3. trailers used for the transportation of horses and vehicles.

Access shall be granted for the purposes of:

  1. conducting unannounced random searches for illegal or non-therapeutic medications or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01, or other device described in the rules; and/or
  2. seizing any suspected illegal or non-therapeutic medication or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01, or other device described in the rules. Any medication, drug, substance, article or device seized may be forwarded by the Commission to the official chemist for analysis.

For the purposes of Rule 37.09, a horse shall be deemed to be:

  1. a horse that has raced in the past 60 days or is within 60 days of racing and/or qualifying;
  2. a horse qualified to race in Ontario;
  3. a horse entered to race in Ontario; and/or
  4. a registered standardbred horse.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Thursday, September 9, 2010 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rule, effective immediately.


Chapter 37


Rule 37.09      Owners and/or trainers of horses shall allow a person designated by the Director, acting upon reasonable and probable grounds, access at any time, whether on or off the grounds of a racing association, to the following:

  1. stabling areas;
  2. training areas; and/or
  3. trailers used for the transportation of horses and vehicles.

Access shall be granted for the purposes of:

  1. conducting unannounced random searches for illegal or non-therapeutic medications or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01, or other device described in the rules; and/or
  2. seizing any suspected illegal or non-therapeutic medication or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01, or other device described in the rules. Any medication, drug, substance, article or device seized may be forwarded by the Commission to the official chemist for analysis.

For the purposes of Rule 37.09, a horse shall be deemed to be:

  1. a horse that has raced in the past 60 days or is within 60 days of racing and/or qualifying;
  2. a horse qualified to race in Ontario;
  3. a horse entered to race in Ontario; and/or
  4. a registered standardbred horse.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Thursday, February 24, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective March 1, 2011, except where noted differently.

Please note:  Additions or changes to the rules are noted in bold.

Chapter 7


Rule 7.16.05   An Association shall disburse the monies from the Purse Account(s) only as follows:

  1. to pay purses in accordance with the Rules of Racing; or
  2. with respect to any monies received from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, in accordance with the provisions of an agreement between the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and the Association, or as specified by the Director; or
  3. to reimburse owners for races that are cancelled or races that are declared ‘no contest’ by the Director or his delegate; or
  4. for other purposes which are approved by the Director that are for the benefit of racing or will provide benefits to all or a sizeable proportion of horsepeople who participate at meetings of the Association

The Association, in a manner satisfactory to the Director, shall at the time of disbursement disclose or cause to be disclosed to owners, trainers and others who receive purse money, the purposes under (iv) above and the amount of any monies disbursed for such purposes.

(Rule 7.16.05 effective immediately)

Chapter 12


Rule 12.02  Declaration for overnight events, other than schooling races or matinee races, at extended meetings, shall be governed by the following:

  1. qualifying standards shall be established by the race secretary, filed with the Judges and posted so as to be available for inspection of participants at all times. A horse shall be deems unqualified if …

<rule continued>

New Rule 12.02.01  When entering into overnight races, a horse’s individual time in its last clean charted line in a purse, qualifying or schooling race must meet the following time standard for the track at which it is entering to race, after the Judges have given appropriate allowances for track conditions on that day:

Track size where
entering to race


Track size of last clean charted line


1/2 mile

5/8 mile

7/8 mile

1/2 mile









5/8 mile









7/8 mile









New Rule 12.02.02     Time allowances for overnight races are as follows:



Seasonal – for starts from November 1 to April 30, inclusive.

1 second

2 year-olds

2 seconds

3 year-olds

1 second

Chapter 14


Rule 14.06  Conditions:

a)         May be based only on:

            <rule continued> 

  1. exclusion of schooling races;
  2. Ontario Sired, Ontario Bred, or Ontario Sires Stakes eligible; or
  3. A combination of any one or more of the qualifications listed under this section.

Chapter 17


Rule 17.10  Starters and also eligibles for overnight events shall be drawn by lot from horses properly declared to start, except as follows:

  1. first preference shall be given to a horse that is stabled in Canada the day of the draw and remains in Canada until the race is contested; and
  2. second preference shall be given according to a horse’s last scheduled start in a purse race, other than races designated as schooling races, at the gait for which it is declared.

In addition preference shall be governed by the following:

<rule continued>

New Rule 17.10.01  Notwithstanding the requirements under 17.10 (i), Ontario Sires Stakes eligible horses will be exempt from the requirement to meet first preference for the period of May 1 to November 1 of the current year inclusive.





John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Thursday, January 27, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective March 31, 2011.

Please note:  Additions to rules are noted in bold.

Chapter 2


BAC means Blood Alcohol Content. It is the grams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood when referenced as .02 to .039 BAC and the equivalent of 20 to 39 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.

Safety Sensitive Position means…. <rule continued>

Standardbred: driver, trainer, groom, starting gate personnel, horse identifier, commission and official veterinarians, outrider, blacksmith, test inspector, TCO2 technician, track maintenance personnel.

Chapter 6


New Rule 6.02  Violation of the following shall make offenders liable to a fine or suspension:

<rule continued>

(i)   Smoking is prohibited within 10 feet of any designated signed areas, stall, tack room, shedrow or any portion of a barn including the paddock. For the purpose of this rule, the paddock will include the cafeteria, drivers’ change room, washrooms and offices within the paddock area. Smoking is also prohibited anywhere on the racetrack surface from two hours prior to the post time for the first race to the completion of the race card.

Penalty for an infraction of Rule 14.05:

      First offence will result in a $50 fine;

      Second offence within a year of the first offence will result in a $300 fine or a 5 day suspension or both;

      Third offence within a year of the first offence will result in a minimum fine of $500 and a 7 day suspension;

      Fourth offence within a year of the first offence will result in an indefinite suspension and referral to the Director.

Rule 6.53  No person shall administer, attempt to administer, or cause to be administered, any medication or substance by a nasogastric tube to a horse on race day prior to its race, except for emergency treatment, which treatment will result in the horse being scratched from the race.

Chapter 36


Rule 36.07  Designated Licensees are subject to testing in the following situations:


(h)       Dilute Samples

            If the laboratory identifies a dilute sample, the designated licensee will be required to complete another test.

Rule 36.08

The consequences for licensees who are in violation of the policy are as follows: 

  1. Alcohol:  Test Result of .02 to .039 BAC

ii)   For a second offence, suspension from performing the duty or duties for which he/she is licensed for that day, a $300 fine and suspension of 5 days if committed within 12 months of the first offence, and the licensee will be referred to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for evaluation to determine the need for a structured assistance program and must provide a negative return to duty drug and alcohol test; and

b)  Alcohol: Test result of .04  to .079 BAC

       i)   a for a first offence, suspension from performing the duty or duties for which he/she is licensed for that day, a $300 fine, a suspension for five (5) days, a reminder of the policy requirements and a suggested referral for assistance and must provide a negative return to duty alcohol test;

ii)  for a second offence, suspension from performing the duty or duties for which he/she is licensed for that day, a fine of $500 and a suspension of fifteen (15) days if committed within 12 months of the first offence, referral to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for evaluation to determine the need for a structured assistance program if they choose to return to duties with the ORC, compliance with return to work conditions set out in an agreement with the individual, and must provide a negative return to duty alcohol test;

c)   Illicit Drugs or Alcohol test result of .08 BAC or higher

i)   for a first offence, suspension from performing the duty or duties for which he/she is licensed for that day, a $500 fine, a suspension of fifteen (15) days, referral to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) for evaluation to determine the need for a structured assistance program if they choose to return to duties with the ORC, and compliance with return to work conditions set out in an agreement with the individual, and must provide a negative return to duty drug and alcohol test;

<Rule continued>

g)   Referral to the Commission
Individuals who have been suspended from performing the duties for which they are licensed and who are referred to the Commission:

ii)   Will be referred to a hearing before the Commission within twenty (20) days of the request for reinstatement;

<Rule continued>

New Rule 36.13  Additional Penalties

No racetrack, association, or licensed body shall impose a penalty upon a licensee who has violated this policy, unless that licensee is directly employed by that racetrack, association, or licensed body.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director



Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Wednesday, March 23, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective April 1, 2011.

Chapter 5


Rule 5.01  At an extended race meeting, except in the case of an emergency, there shall be a minimum of two Judges employed and appointed by the Commission, one of whom shall be designated by the Commission as a Senior Judge under whose supervision the judges shall, collectively, carry out all the duties and responsibilities specified in the rules. All decisions of the Judges shall be determined by majority vote. In the cases where there are only two judges officiating, the Senior Judge or the Judge designated as the Senior Judge by the Director, shall have in addition to the regular vote, a casting vote.  




John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Wednesday, July 29, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rule, with an effective date subject to the closing of the public process. The public process is complete and the Rule is now effective immediately.

Please note:  Changes to rules are noted in bold.

Chapter 8


Rule 8.14  A veterinarian who dispenses a drug or medication shall label the container in which the drug or medication is dispensed with the following information:

  1. Name and strength of the drug or medication,
  2. Date and quantity prescribed,
  3. Name and address of the dispensing veterinarian,
  4. Name of the horse for which it is prescribed,
  5. Name of the trainer of the horse,
  6. Directions for use, and
  7. Detection limit determined in accordance with Rule 8.10.01.

In the event that the a drug or medication is to be dispensed to multiple horses from a single container, such container shall be marked “BARN USE”, and will be exempt from items (ii) and (iv) above and replaced by a written log, to include the following information:

  1. Name of the horse for which it is prescribed, and
  2. Date and quantity prescribed.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Wednesday, June 29, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective January 4, 2012.



Safety line means a line that is constructed to prevent failure due to breakage of the line, or breakage or inadvertent loss of the primary connection to the bit.



Rule 6.46.1  A person shall not possess, administer, traffic, or attempt to possess, administer, or traffic, in a drug, substance or medication, or anything held out to be a drug, substance or medication, for a horse:

(a)     for which an official chemist shall classify an official sample as positive and issue a certificate of positive analysis in accordance with section 165 of the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations (SOR/91-365), and/or

(b)     which has not been labeled for veterinary use under the Food and Drug Regulations or, if labeled for human use under the Food and Drug Regulations, has not been prescribed by a veterinarian after conducting an examination of the horse and determining that the drug, substance or medication is medically required by the horse and the drug, substance or medication is used only for that horse in accordance with the prescription issued by the veterinarian, and/or

(c)     which may endanger the health and welfare of the horse or endanger the safety of a driver, and/or

(d)    which is not labeled, or accurately labeled, with the contained drug, substance, medication, or active ingredient, and/or

(e)     which may adversely affect the integrity of racing, and/or

(f)     which is listed hereafter:

                                    (i)         Erythropoietin or any of its synthetic derivatives; or

                                    (ii)        Any synthetic hemoglobin like substances.

For the purposes of this section, trafficking includes, but is not limited to, keep for sale, deliver, manufacture, sell, transport, distribute, give, import, and/or export.

Notwithstanding (a) and (b), a veterinarian may possess the drug, substance or medication other than erythropoietin, or any of its synthetic derivatives or any synthetic hemoglobin like substances if the possession is in the ordinary course of the practice of veterinary medicine for purposes of prescribing or administering the drug, substance or medication for the treatment of a horse.

Notwithstanding (a) and (b), a person licensed as a trainer, owner, or groom may possess or use a drug, substance or medication for a horse that is on a list of established by the Director provided that such possession or use is not otherwise contrary to the Rules, the Food and Drugs Act and its regulations, the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations, the Livestock Medicines ActC.D.S.A. and its regulations, the Health Disciplines Act and its regulations, the Veterinarians Act and its regulations, or any conditions to the possession and use imposed by the Director.



Rule 26.12.01             A trainer shall be responsible to ensure that all horses under his/her care and control, while training or racing on Association grounds are properly equipped, which may include the use of safety reins/lines.


Rule 37.09  Owners and/or trainers of horses shall allow a person designated by the Director acting upon reasonable grounds that the business of horse racing in any or all of its forms is taking place, access at any reasonable time, whether on or off the grounds of a racing association, to the following:

  1. stabling areas;
  2. training areas; and/or
  3. vehicles and/or trailers used for the transportation of horses or the business of horseracing.

Access shall be granted for the purposes of:

  1. conducting unannounced random inspections for illegal or non-therapeutic medications or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01,or other device described in the rules; and/or
  2. seizing any suspected illegal or non-therapeutic medication or drugs, including any drug, substance, article or medication listed in Rule 6.46.01, or other device described in the rules. Any medication, drug, substance, article or device seized may be forwarded by the Commission for analysis to a lab of its choice.

For the purposes of Rule 37.09, a horse shall be deemed to be:

  1. a horse that has raced in the past 60 days or is within 60 days of racing and/or workout;
  2. a horse qualified to race in Ontario;
  3. a horse entered to race in Ontario; and/or
  4. a registered standardbred horse.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director


Last Updated

The Ontario Racing Commission at its meeting of Tuesday, October 25, 2011 resolved that the Rules of Standardbred Racing 2008 be amended by the promulgation of the following Rules, effective January 1, 2012.



Rule 3.02.01  Where an Association has entered into an agreement with a horsepeople’s organization, representing participants racing at that facility, that horsepeople’s organization must be licensed by the Commission.




John L. Blakney
Executive Director