Corporate Structure

Last Updated

The AGCO’s organizational structure is based on functional responsibilities and consists of six divisions, each led by a member of the Executive Committee that reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar.

The Investigation and Enforcement Bureau (IEB) functions as an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Bureau assigned to the AGCO, and is headed by a Chief Superintendent of the OPP. The IEB is responsible for regulatory and criminal investigations, as well as sharing its expertise and information with external law enforcement and other regulatory and industry stakeholder agencies.

FIGURE 1 – Organizational Structure of the AGCOAGCO Corporate Structure Annual Report 2019-2020

Organizational Structure of the AGCO

  • Chair and Board of the AGCO                ■    Horse Racing Appeal Panel
    • Chief Executive Officer and Registrar
  • Communications and Corporate Affairs Division
    • ​Communications
    • Corporate Affairs and Governance
    • Corporate Secretariat
    • HRAP Secretariat
    • Service Strategy and Experience
  • Corporate Services Division
    • Finance and Administration
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Risk Management, Internal Audit and Information Security
    • AGCO Next
  • Investigation and Enforcement Bureau
    • ​Investigations
    • Intelligence and Investigative Support
  • Legal Services Division
    • ​Litigation Services
    • Corporate Services
    • Advisory Services and Legal Drafting
  • Operations Division
    • ​Compliance Services
      • ​Audit and Financial Investigations
      • Regulatory Compliance
    • Licensing and Registration
      • ​Regulatory Assurance
      • Technical and Laboratory Services
  • Strategy and Policy Division
    • ​Change Management
    • Policy and Planning
    • Project Management Office
    • Strategic Engagement
    • Regulatory Intelligence and Innovation


Brief Description of Corporate Structure and Function of AGCO Divisions

Operations Division

Through its Licensing and Registration Branch, the Operations Division is responsible for reviewing and processing all application types including licences, permits, authorizations and registrations across all the lines of business regulated by the AGCO. The Branch also works with municipalities and First Nations overseeing the licensing of charitable lottery schemes.

The Division also includes Compliance Services (CS), which consists of the Audit and Financial Investigations Branch and the Regulatory Compliance Branch. These branches conduct regulatory compliance activities, including education, planning, and inspections, along with audits and financial investigations across all lines of business. Equipping frontline staff with the knowledge and skills to deliver services to all sectors, CS deploys regional, cross-functional teams who take a comprehensive, risk- and outcomes-based approach to regulatory compliance. Inspectors respond to compliance concerns when and where they occur, taking a multi-sector approach and maintaining a focus on supporting desired regulatory outcomes.

The Regulatory Compliance Branch also provides Racing Officials (Judges and Stewards), who supervise horse races conducted at Ontario’s licensed racetracks, as well as Veterinary Services, which oversee the health and welfare of horses during racing. Veterinary Services work with the Official Veterinarians, who are employed by the racetracks but supervised by the AGCO.

The Division’s Technical and Laboratory Services staff assess and approve electronic games, systems and equipment against Ontario Technical Standards and assess supplier and Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) quality assurance and testing procedures.

The Regulatory Assurance Branch leads the development and implementation of tools, strategies, and frameworks that assess risk and drive the AGCO’s compliance-focused approach. The RAB also works with the Province’s cannabis retail store operators and the Ontario Cannabis Store to ensure the accurate tracking of all cannabis.

Strategy and Policy Division

The Strategy and Policy Division coordinates and supports a variety of strategic functions and informs regulatory direction through evidence-based policy making. Through the use of leading practices, it helps to ensure that major projects stay on track and outcomes are aligned to strategic goals. The Division implements a change management framework for the agency and supports the AGCO’s strategic goal of being a rewarding workplace. This Division also provides leadership for the execution of a dedicated, strategic approach to stakeholder engagement and for the development of the AGCO’s Strategic and Corporate Plans.

Corporate Services Division

The Corporate Services Division provides strategic advice and guidance and is responsible for providing key support services such as Human Resources (including Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining), Information Technology, Finance and Administration, Information Security, Internal Audit, and Enterprise Risk Management.

Communications and Corporate Affairs Division

The Communications and Corporate Affairs Division provides strategic communications advice and services, manages media relations and the AGCO’s public reputation, and oversees the development of internal and external communication materials and publications. It builds understanding and acceptance of organizational objectives and policy priorities through regular communication with staff and stakeholders. It also serves as the primary liaison with government to support government initiatives and to manage issues.

The Division also includes the Service Strategy and Experience Branch, which is tasked with building upon and institutionalizing the objectives established by the agency’s Service Experience 2020 initiative. The Branch continues to focus on enhancing the AGCO’s service to its customers across all lines of business and at every agency touchpoint.

The Corporate Secretariat responsible for Board support resides within this Division and assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities. This includes ensuring that key corporate accountability measures are completed within government timelines and monitoring compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between government and the AGCO. A dedicated and segregated unit also provides administrative support to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP or Panel).

Investigation and Enforcement Bureau

The OPP Investigation and Enforcement Bureau (IEB) assigned to the AGCO employs approximately 160 OPP Officers, fully integrated within the AGCO. The OPP Superintendent (Director) and two Inspectors (Deputy Directors) report directly to the Chief Superintendent. The Bureau’s branches conduct investigations across all lines of business regulated by the AGCO. The Bureau also provides investigative expertise to and shares information with other law enforcement services and regulatory and industry stakeholder agencies to ensure integrity and public safety within these regulated industries.

Legal Services Division

The Legal Services Division provides a broad range of legal services. It reviews Notices of Proposal (NOPs), provides advice and opinions to AGCO staff on corporate issues (such as privacy and freedom of information requests), drafts legislation and contracts, and assists in policy development. Counsel represent the Registrar at hearings before the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) and the HRAP and prepare appeals to the Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal.

FIGURE 2 – AGCO Licensees and Registrants (2019–2020)


  • Total Licensees and Registrants: 61,394
  • Gaming and Lottery Registrants: 29,318 (48%)
  • Alcohol Industry / Licensees: 20,276 (33%)
  • Horse Racing Licensees: 11,091 (18%)
  • Cannabis: 709 (1%)

Approximately 58,600 Special Occasion Permits were issued by the AGCO in 2019–2020.