5.4 Horse Racing Appeal Panel

Now in its third year of operation, the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP or Panel) continues to be focused on providing a fair, open and accessible process for all parties. In the coming year, the HRAP is committed to building on the experience of its first three years and continuing to look for opportunities to improve its operating efficiency and effectiveness.  One of the initiatives the HRAP will be exploring is to conduct a comprehensive review of its Rules of Procedure, which will include a targeted consultation with key parties and representatives who commonly appear before the Panel. The HRAP’s Rules of Procedure govern proceedings of matters before the Panel and were first established on the launch of the tribunal in April 2016.  The Rules have since been updated two times – in October 2016 and November 2017 – to incorporate a number of housekeeping changes and address minor issues. The Panel recognizes the importance of consultation as a process and seeking out and considering the interests of stakeholders to ensure that its procedural rules support an efficient and responsive appeal process.

Education of the industry but also of the Panel members will continue to be a focus for the Panel. Promoting expertise and competence through training is essential to ensure a fair and effective appeal process. Ongoing educational opportunities will be identified and offered to keep Panel members up-to-date and informed on the latest trends and changes within adjudication and the racing industry.

Stakeholder access to the hearing venue has always been an important consideration, with most licensees based out of and traveling in from rural communities. Although the HRAP’s hearings are held at a location that is easily accessible to the industry (10 Carlson Court in Etobicoke), there have been indications that the Panel may soon have to vacate (the HRAP sub-leases the facilities from another body, who has signaled that it will soon be leaving). As such, staff will begin exploring options to potentially re-locate the HRAP’s hearing space, should that become necessary, to a new location that is equally as accessible to the racing industry.

Succession planning will be particularly important in 2019. Appointment terms expire for four of the Panel members in March 2019, including the Chair of the HRAP. The current Panel complement stands at nine members. Formal performance assessments were undertaken and led by the HRAP Chair in 2018, and will be taken into account, along with other factors including workload, as part of the Chair’s recommendations to the AGCO Board for re-appointments.


  • An independent adjudicative body mandated to hear appeals of decisions made under the Rules of Racing.
  • Established on April 1, 2016 under the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015.
  • Members are appointed to the Panel by the Board of the AGCO.