Year in Review - HRAP

This report marks the end of three years in operation for the HRAP. The focus of the Panel continues to be to ensure a fair and accessible adjudicative process for all participants, and ensuring that it has procedural rules in place to support an efficient and responsive appeal process.

Education and training for Panel members continued to be a high priority during the past year. Recurring meetings of the Panel were held to discuss emerging issues and support information sharing and professional development among the Panel members. The HRAP Secretariat also refreshed its hearing process guidelines to include techniques used in the examination of witnesses and to support better understanding of the rules by self-represented appellants.

The HRAP also made efforts to enhance its stakeholder outreach and education. In June 2018, Secretariat staff reached out to key industry associations and parties/representatives who appear frequently before the tribunal to offer one-on-one information sessions, in the interest of helping parties better understand and comply with the HRAP’s adjudicative framework. The HRAP also began posting educational material at the Panel’s hearing space at 10 Carlson Court for reference by parties before and after their hearings.

As part of its ongoing work to enhance accountability and monitor effectiveness, key performance indicators (KPIs) were established and implemented by the HRAP to help monitor quality service objectives. Other continuous improvements were made to streamline and simplify key Panel documents, such as its notice of hearing and the template used for stay decisions.

The expiry of appointment terms over the year led to a focus on Panel member performance and clarification of roles and responsibilities. Job descriptions were developed to clarify expectations, and formal performance assessments of the Panel members were led by the Chair. A Panel profile was also developed to identify the skill sets required for the ongoing operation of the tribunal and to assist with long-term succession planning.

The Rules of Procedure will be a key focus and priority area for the Panel in the coming year. For the first time, the Panel will be formally consulting with stakeholders on its procedural rules, the idea being that there are a number of parties and individuals who have developed extensive experience appearing before the Panel, and who might therefore have some feedback on how the process can be improved. The objective of this consultation will be to leverage the insights of these parties to ensure that the HRAP’s process remains efficient and effective and continues to meet the needs of the horse racing industry.