7. Financial Due Diligence and Investigations

The AGCO conducts financial due diligence reviews to assess the ability of an entity applying for a licence or registration with the AGCO to conduct its business in accordance with the principles of honesty, integrity and financial responsibility. Financial Investigations Unit (FIU) reports are used to support the eligibility assessment process and licensing and registration decisions made by the Licensing & Registration Branch. During the fiscal year, the FIU completed 14 financial due diligence investigations, up from 12 in the previous fiscal year. The Branch also provided its forensic expertise to support investigations by the AGCO/OPP’s Investigations and Enforcement Bureau of suspected misuse of funds. 

With respect to the tables which follow: comparing 2018-2019 statistics with 2017-2018, the actual number of alcohol, gaming or horse racing inspections has dropped given that the focus of inspections is now less about numbers and more about compliance with governing legislations.