9.4.1. Bingos Licensed By The Registrar
This section contains information on licences issued by the Registrar for the following types of games and events:
- Break open ticket events run in conjunction with bingo events, including Seal Card Games and Bingo Event Ticket games;
- Regular Bingo events conducted in unorganized territories, in some First Nations communities and on Crown lands;
- Special (Monster) Bingo events;
- Super Jackpot Bingo games;
- Table Board Bingo events held in conjunction with Regular or Special Bingo events;
- Progressive Bingo game events;
- Loonie Progressive game events; and
- Charitable gaming events
9.4.1 (A) Break open ticket events run in conjunction with bingo events
The Registrar has the sole authority to issue a licence for a break open ticket event to be held in conjunction with another licensed gaming event. Even if the municipality licensed the related bingo event, only the Registrar may issue the licence for the break open ticket event.
The municipality may only licence a break open ticket event if it is not held in conjunction with another gaming event.
Please see “Chapter 7: Break Open Tickets”, for further information.
9.4.1 (B) Regular Bingo events conducted in regions without local municipal councils
The Registrar licenses all Regular Bingo events to be conducted in unorganized territories, on Crown lands and in First Nations communities (except those who exercise licensing authority under an Order-in- Council ). Applicants must follow the application procedures for obtaining a licence issued by the Registrar.
9.4.1 (C) Special (Monster) Bingo events
The following policies apply only to Special (Monster) Bingo events:
- A Special Bingo event is any bingo event, including Merchandise Bingo, that has a prize board in excess of $5,500.
- Only the Registrar may issue a lottery licence for a Special Bingo event. When considering an application, the Registrar takes marketplace conditions into consideration. Licences may only be issued three to four months before the event date.
- Licences are limited to one (1) licence per 30-day period, per 100-km radius. The 30-day period is not based on the calendar month.
- Special Bingo events are limited to one licence per 15 days, per 30-km radius, in the following areas:
- Durham, York, Peel, Halton, Haldimand-Norfolk, Niagara, Hamilton-Wentworth (known as the Golden Horseshoe), and
- in the Ottawa-Carleton area, including the amalgamated municipalities of Kanata, Nepean, Ottawa, Vanier and Gloucester.
- Special Bingo events are limited to one licence per 15 days, per 15-km radius in Toronto.
- Special Bingo events licensed in the Golden Horseshoe or Ottawa-Carleton region will not influence the licensing of events in the adjacent 100-km radius.
- To be eligible for a Special Bingo licence, an eligible charitable organization cannot have a Regular Bingo licence with event dates within three (3) months (before and after) of the date of a Special Bingo event, regardless of where the Regular Bingo event is held.
- The licensee is permitted to sell tickets that allow customers to prepay for bingo paper before the date of the event.
- The Registrar may issue a licence permitting an eligible organization that does not normally conduct Regular Bingo to conduct and manage a Special Bingo event.
- No more than 12 Special Bingo licences may be issued in each calendar year for events to be conducted and managed in one bingo hall.
- If the organization licensed to conduct the Special Bingo event agrees, the HCA may conduct and manage bingo games for which it receives licences from the Registrar during the Special Bingo event.
- Once the Registrar approves a Special Bingo event date, it cannot be changed.
- The Registrar will authorize one (1) event date per licence.
- The licensee must provide a letter of credit for all Special Bingo events where the prize board is $10,000 or more. The letter of credit must have an expiry date of at least 45 days after the event date.
- The Registrar requires a minimum of 45 days to process an application for a Special Bingo event licence.
9.4.1 (D) Super Jackpot Bingo
Super Jackpot Bingo is a separately licensed bingo game that is part of a Regular Bingo event. The Super Jackpot Bingo prize is in addition to the Regular Bingo event prize board.
The Super Jackpot prize is awarded based on a set, increasing number of bingo numbers called at successive Super Jackpot games. A player must complete a full card in order to win the Super Jackpot prize. Fifty bingo numbers are called at the first Super Jackpot game. At each successive game, the number of bingo numbers called increases by one until the Super Jackpot game has been won.
The licensee must award a consolation prize when the Super Jackpot is not won within the designated number of bingo numbers called.
Once a Super Jackpot has been won, a new game begins at the next Super Jackpot game covered by the licence. If the Super Jackpot prize has not been won prior to the end of the licence period the prize will be carried forward to the new licence period.
Licensees should apply for their new licence at least 45 days before the end of their current licence period, to ensure that a new licence can be issued before the current licence expires. If a licensee is conducting the last game in a licence period, and the licensee will not be obtaining another licence, the full Super Jackpot prize must be awarded.
The following policies apply to Super Jackpot Bingo games:
- Only the Registrar may issue licences for Super Jackpot games.
- All the charitable organizations at a non-pooling bingo hall where four (4) or more events are held within a seven-day period must form a Hall Charities Association (HCA) to administer all the Super Jackpot licences for that bingo hall. The following policies apply to the HCA in respect to the Super Jackpot licences:
- A principal officer from each participating member organization of the HCA must sign the Super Jackpot licence application;
- A licensee may not hold a Super Jackpot game in conjunction with a Regular Bingo event made up entirely of Table Board Bingo games.
- A Hall Charities Association may choose to conduct Super Jackpot games with multiple “horizontal” licences or a single “vertical licence”:
- “Horizontal” licences allow licensees to offer different Super Jackpot prize boards in conjunction with Regular Bingo events. A “horizontal” licence limits a Super Jackpot prize to a single time slot per day. For example, a licensee could have one “horizontal” licence for a 2:00 p.m. slot and another licence for a 7:00 p.m. slot. If the jackpot is not won at the 2:00 p.m. slot, it must be carried over to the 2:00 p.m. time slot on the next day. Similarly, if the jackpot is not won at 7:00 p.m., it must be carried over to the next 7:00 p.m. time slot.
Example: Horizontal Super Jackpot Licences
A, B, C = Separate Horizontal Licences
# = Number of Balls called in Super Jackpot Game
* = Super Jackpot Winner
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. | |
2 p.m. | A-> (50#s) | A -> (51#s) | A -> (52#s) | A (Win)* (53#s) | A (New)-> (50#s) | A -> (51#s) | A -> (52#s) |
7 p.m. | B -> (50#s) | B -> (51#s) | B -> (52#s) | B -> (53#s) | B -> (54#s) | B*(Win) (55#s) | B (New) (50#s) |
10 p.m. |
C -> |
C -> |
C -> |
C -> |
C -> |
C -> |
C -> |
- A “vertical” licence allows licensees to offer Super Jackpot games only at Regular Bingo time slots that have the same Super Jackpot prize board. With a “vertical” licence, the Super Jackpot is carried over to the next time slot with the same prize board, until it is won. For example, it can be carried over from the 2:00 p.m. slot to the 7:00 p.m. slot, providing they have the same Super Jackpot prize board.
Example: Vertical Super Jackpot Licence
V = Vertical Super Jackpot Licence
# = Number of Balls called in Super Jackpot Game
* = Supper Jackpot Winner
Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. | |
2 p.m. | V (50#s) vI | V (53#s) vI | V (Win)* (56#s) - | V (52#s) vI | V (55#s) vI | V (58#s) vI | V (New) (50#s) vI |
7 p.m. | V (51#s) vI | V (54#s) vI | V (New) (50#s) vI | V (53#s) vI | V (56#s) vI | V (59#s) vI | V (51#s) vI |
10 p.m. | V (52#s) vI | V (55#s) vI | V (51#s) vI | V (54#s) vI | V (57#s) vI | V (Win)* (60#s) - | V (52#s) vI |
- The HCA must use a separate lottery trust account to administer all the Super Jackpot licences.
- The HCA must maintain a separate ledger for each Super Jackpot licence.
- The HCA must prepare a separate Super Jackpot Lottery report for each Super Jackpot licence.
- The HCA must submit a monthly Super Jackpot Lottery report to the Registrar by the 15th day of the following month.
- The HCA must combine the net proceeds from all Super Jackpot games and divide them at least monthly among all member organizations on a pro rata basis, determined by the number of Regular Bingo events conducted by each organization (see example below). In the case of horizontal licences, the HCA may choose to combine the net proceeds of all licences and divide them on a pro rata basis between participating members, or the HCA may distribute the proceeds from each licence between participating members on a pro-rata basis.
Example: Monthly Super Jackpot Disbursements
Total Net Proceeds to be Disbursed to All Member Groups = $15,000 Total # of Regular Bingo Events (“Events“) = 10
Groups | # of Events | Share* | Amount** | Year to Date*** | ||||||
Charity A | 3 | X | 1500 | $4,500 | - | |||||
Charity B | 2 | X | 1500 | $3,000 | - | |||||
Charity C | 2 | X | 1500 | $3,000 | - | |||||
Charity D | 3 | X | 1500 | $4,500 | - | |||||
Totals: | 10 | $15,000 | ||||||||
*Share = Total net proceeds divided by total number of events **Amount = Share multiplied by number of events per group ***HCA should also keep a running total of disbursements for year-to-date. |
- The Registrar may license an HCA to conduct one Super Jackpot Bingo game for each time slot at which a member organization of the HCA conducts a licensed Regular Bingo event.
The Super Jackpot licence fee would be calculated as
180 x ($3,000 + $300) x 40% x 3% = $7,128.00
9.4.1 (E) Table Board Bingo
Table Board Bingo may be licensed by the Registrar in one of the two following ways:
- The Registrar may license HCAs to conduct Table Board Bingo games, in conjunction with a licensed Regular Bingo event. The Table Board Bingo prizes are in addition to the maximum Regular Bingo prize board.
- The Registrar may license HCAs to conduct Table Board Bingo games in conjunction with Special (Monster) Bingo events. The Table Board Bingo prizes are in addition to the Special (Monster) Bingo prize board.
9.4.1 (e) (i) Provincial licensing policies for Table Board Bingo
The following policies apply to Table Board Bingo events licensed by the Registrar:
- No limit is set on the number of Table Board Bingo games that may be played under a licence issued in conjunction with a Regular or Special (Monster) Bingo event. However, the total value of the prizes awarded for the Table Board Bingo event cannot exceed 60 per cent of the licensed prize board for the Regular or Special Bingo event.
- Only one Table Board Bingo event may be licensed per Regular or Special Bingo event time slot.
- The licensee must offer variable prize amounts for Table Board Bingo games, based on a percentage of the revenue collected for each game. While the percentage may vary within the licensed Table Board Bingo event, the total amount of prizes paid out cannot exceed 60 per cent of the total revenues collected for the event. The percentage for the Table Board Bingo game must be noted in the licence application and on the game schedule.
- Table Board Bingo games will be licensed for a maximum period of six (6) months.
- The HCA must apply for and administer the Table Board Bingo licences. The following policies apply:
- A principal officer of each member organization must sign the licence application.
- The HCA must:
- set up a separate designated lottery trust account to administer Table Board Bingo games;
- combine the net proceeds from all Table Board Bingo games and divide the proceeds monthly among member organizations on a pro rata basis, determined by the number of regular events held by each organization;
- maintain a separate ledger for each Table Board Bingo licence;
- prepare a separate Table Board Bingo report for each Table Board Bingo licence; and
- submit a monthly Table Board Bingo activity report to the Registrar by the 15th day of the following month.
- If an HCA is applying to conduct a Table Board Bingo event in conjunction with a Special Bingo event, it must obtain the written support of the Special Bingo licensee.
- A Table Board Bingo event must be conducted in a fixed time slot. That is, the licensee must hold the event in the same time slot each day and cannot move it to another time slot.
- A Table Board Bingo event held in conjunction with a Regular or Special Bingo event must be completed during the time allocated for the Regular or Special Bingo event.
- The Table Board Bingo licence application must specify the days and time slots when each Table Board Bingo event will be conducted.
- Each Table Board Bingo event must be conducted at the time slot specified on the licence.
- A licensee may not hold a Super Jackpot game in conjunction with a Regular Bingo event made up entirely of Table Board Bingo games.
- The prescribed licence fee for Table Board Bingo is payable in the form of a cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance.
9.4.1 (e) (ii) Approved Table Board Bingo devices
The following policies apply to the use of Table Board Bingo devices:
- Licensees must use Table Board Bingo devices approved by the Registrar, or that meet the criteria established by the Registrar.
- Licensees must obtain Table Board Bingo devices from Suppliers that are approved by the Registrar and registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992.
See 9.3.2 (E), “Table Board Bingo,” for information about municipal Table Board Bingo licensing.
9.4.1 (F) Progressive Bingo game
A Progressive Bingo game is a separately licensed bingo game, held in conjunction with a Regular Bingo event, where the prize amount increases from event to event. If the progressive prize is not won at
one event, it is added to the amount of the prize to be awarded at the next Progressive Bingo game. The progressive prize increases at each successive event until the specified limit is reached or until the progressive prize is won.
The licensee must award a consolation prize at every event whether or not the main Progressive Bingo game prize is won. The structure of the consolation prize must be described on the game schedule of the Regular Bingo event during which the Progressive Bingo game will be conducted.
The dollar amounts of the Progressive Bingo game prize and the consolation prize must be announced prior to the commencement of each game.
Rules of play
Progressive Bingo games must be managed and conducted in accordance with Rules of Play that are attached to and form part of the Progressive Bingo Game Licence Terms and Conditions.
A licensee has the option of conducting and managing up to two Progressive Bingo games in conjunction with any one licensed Regular Bingo event. Under this option licensees may apply for:
- One Rules of Play “A” –“Accumulator-style game”, and,
- One of the following Progressive Bingo Game Rules of Play:
» Rules of Play “B” –“$10,000 Progressive-style game”, or;
» Rules of Play “C” –“$5,000 Progressive-style game”, or;
» Rules of Play “D” –“Two $5,000 Progressive-style games”.
The following policies apply to Progressive Bingo games:
- Only the Registrar may issue a Progressive Bingo Game Licence.
- Progressive Bingo games will be licensed for a maximum period of six (6) months.
- A Progressive Bingo game event must be conducted in a designated fixed time slot during which the licensed Regular Bingo event will be held and must be noted on the game schedule.
- The following policies apply to the HCA with respect to Progressive Bingo game licences:
» A principal officer from each member organization of the HCA must sign the Progressive Bingo game licence application.
» The HCA must use a separate lottery account designated as a “trust account” by the bank or other financial institution to administer the Progressive Bingo game licence.
» The HCA must maintain a separate ledger for each Progressive Bingo game licence.
» The HCA must prepare a separate Progressive Bingo game report for each Progressive Bingo game licence.
» The HCA must submit a prescribed financial report to the Registrar by the 15th day of the following month.
- In its application, the HCA must specify the days and time slots for each Progressive Bingo game.
- The licensee must conduct and manage the Progressive Bingo game in the designated fixed time slot specified on the licence.
- The licence fee for each Progressive Bingo game event is $12.00.
The fee for a licensee conducting 4 Progressive Bingo Game events per day, 7 days a week, over the maximum licensing period of 26 weeks would be:
4 events per day x $12 = $48 x 7days = $336 x 26 weeks = $8,736.00
9.4.1 (G) Loonie Progressive game
The Loonie Progressive game is a separately licensed game that is played during the Regular Bingo event where the prize amount increases from event to event. If the Loonie Progressive game prize is not won, it is added to the amount of the prize to be awarded at the next Loonie Progressive game event. The Loonie Progressive game prize is allowed to increase at each successive event to a maximum of $5,000 or until the prize is won. Players must purchase a Loonie Progressive game ticket and paper for the Regular Bingo event in order to play the Loonie Progressive game. Licensees may offer the Loonie Progressive game in two game formats each of which is governed by its own set of Rules of Play.
9.4.1 (g) (i) Rules of Play
The Loonie Progressive game must be conducted and managed in accordance with the Rules of Play that are attached to and form part of the Loonie Progressive Game Licence Terms and Conditions:
- Loonie Progressive Rules of Play: Game “A”, and
- Loonie Progressive Rules of Play: Game “B”.
9.4.1 (g) (i) 1 Game process: Game A
Prior to the commencement of each licensed Regular Bingo event, a bingo ball is randomly drawn from the bingo blower. The number on the drawn bingo ball becomes known as the “Indicator Number.”
The “Indicator Number” (bingo ball) must be clearly shown and announced to all players in the hall and returned to the bingo blower before the bingo session begins. If the Indicator Number is drawn, the bingo ball drawn immediately after the Indicator Number is the Loonie Progressive game number.
The player or players who have a valid Loonie Progressive Game “A” ticket and complete the specified arrangement of numbers when the Loonie Progressive Game Number is called win the Loonie Progressive Game “A” prize. Whether or not the Loonie Progressive Game “A” prize is won, no amount may be awarded as a consolation prize.
The Loonie Progressive game prize must be calculated and awarded in accordance with the Loonie Progressive Rules of Play Game “A” attached to and forming part of the Loonie Progressive Game Licence Terms and Conditions.
9.4.1 (g) (i) 2 Game process: Game B
In order to play Game B, players must purchase a Loonie Progressive Game “B” ticket. Unlike in Game A, there is no indicator number drawn.
The Loonie Progressive Game “B” prize is awarded to the player who completes the specified arrangement of numbers on the bingo paper within a designated number of calls and has a valid Loonie Progressive Game “B” ticket.
If the Loonie Progressive Game “B” prize is not won and the prize has accumulated to $5,000, the designated number of calls must increase by one at each session until the Loonie Progressive Game “B” prize is won.
The Loonie Progressive game prize must be calculated and awarded in accordance with the Loonie Progressive Rules of Play Game “B” attached to and forming part of the Loonie Progressive Game Licence Terms and Conditions.
9.4.1 (g) (ii) Policies for Loonie Progressive games
The following policies apply to both game formats for the Loonie Progressive game:
- Loonie Progressive game tickets may be priced at $1 or $2 per event.
- Players who participate in the Loonie Progressive game must have purchased Regular Bingo paper and a valid ticket for the Loonie Progressive game in order to claim the Loonie Progressive game prize.
- The licensee must have an auditable tracking system to record all ticket purchases and to verify a winning Loonie Progressive game.
- The tickets must have two parts, one of which is given to the customer and the other is retained by the licensee. Each part of the ticket must contain the following:
» name of the Loonie Progressive game participant;
» hall location, session, date and time of the Loonie Progressive game event;
» total prize amount that may be awarded;
» the price to play the Loonie Progressive game;
» ticket number (all tickets must be sequentially numbered)
The following licensing policies apply to the Loonie Progressive game:
- Only the Registrar may issue licences for Loonie Progressive games.
- Loonie Progressive games will be licensed for a maximum period of six (6) months.
- The licence fee for each Loonie Progressive game event is $2.00.
The fee for a licensee conducting 4 loonie progressive game events per day, 7 days a week, over the maximum licensing period of 26 weeks would be:
4 events per day x $2 = $8 x 7days = $56 x 26 weeks = $1,456.00
Where an HCA exists, only the HCA may apply for a licence to conduct and manage the Loonie Progressive game. Where no HCA exists, the individual licensee may apply for a licence to conduct and manage the Loonie Progressive game.
Loonie Progressive game applicants must submit the following information with the application:
- a letter of support from the local licensing authority;
- copies of the game schedule for the licensed Regular Bingo event in conjunction with which the Loonie Progressive game is to be conducted and managed; and a void cheque from the Loonie Progressive game lottery trust account.
On the financial report licensees are required to specify the ticket numbering system used for the Loonie Progressive Game “B” tickets. Any tickets that are void must be accounted for on the financial report and the original void tickets must be submitted with the financial report.
The following policies apply to an HCA with respect to Loonie Progressive game licences in a non-pooling hall:
- A principal officer from each participating member organization of the HCA must sign the Loonie Progressive game licence application.
- The HCA must use a separate lottery account designated as a “Trust Account” by the bank or other financial institution to administer their Loonie Progressive game licences and use and distribute proceeds in accordance with the banking requirements set out in the Regular and Special Bingo Licence Terms and Conditions.
- The HCA must maintain a separate ledger for each Loonie Progressive game licence.
- In its application, the HCA must specify the days and time slots for each Loonie Progressive game.
- The licensee must conduct and manage the Loonie Progressive game only during the Regular Bingo games specified on the application for licence.
- The HCA must prepare a separate Loonie Progressive game report for each Loonie Progressive game licence.
- The HCA must submit a prescribed financial report to the Registrar by the 15th day of the following month.
9.4.2 (A) Regular or Special bingos
The following procedures apply to bingo licences issued by the Registrar: Applications must include:
- A completed application on a form issued by the Registrar, signed by at least one (1) of the designated members-in-charge and two (2) principal officers of the organization.
- The prescribed licence fee in the form of a cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance.
- A game schedule outlining:
» the bingo games to be played;
» the winning arrangement of numbers for each game;
» the value of the prize for each game;
» the minimum and maximum payouts for variable prize games;
» the prices of the bingo paper;
» the total value of all prizes offered for the bingo event;
» any special purchase provisions for used bingo paper exchanged for new bingo paper (for example, $0.25 instead of $0.50); and
» the start and end time for the time slot during which the Regular Bingo event and any licensed lottery events/games conducted in conjunction with it will be held.
- The name and address of the premises where the bingo event is to be held.
First-time applicants must allow a minimum of 45 days for the Registrar to process their licence application.
The Registrar will:
- notify an applicant if its application is deficient, requesting the missing documents; and
- communicate only with the appropriate contact person of the HCA as listed on the application form (for example, a member-in-charge or a principal officer of the HCA), regarding applications, licences and amendments.
9.4.2 (B) Super Jackpot Bingo
Super Jackpot licence applicants must comply with the following procedures:
- In addition to the requirements for Regular or Special Bingo event licences, applicants for Super Jackpot licences must submit the following information:
- copies of the game schedule for the Regular Bingo event during which the Super Jackpot game will be conducted;
- game schedules of all bingo events licensed in the hall;
- a list of the bingo events during which Super Jackpot games will be played, on a weekly basis, including the day and time of each event, indicating any days the bingo hall will be closed for holidays during the licensing period;
- a list of all organizations that are members of the HCA; and
- the signature of an authorized principal officer from each member organization, verifying that he or she has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Super Jackpot Bingo Terms and Conditions.
- The Registrar may also request that the HCA submit a copy of its current membership, constitution and bylaws.
9.4.2 (C) Table Board Bingo
Organizations submitting Table Board Bingo applications to the Registrar must comply with the following procedures.
- In addition to the requirements for Regular or Special Bingo event licences, Table Board Bingo licence applicants must submit the following information:
- copies of the game schedule for the licensed Regular or Special Bingo event specifying:
- the set percentage used to calculate the variable prizes for the individual Table Board Bingo games;
- which events are made up entirely or partly of Table Board Bingo games; and
- the start and end times for the Regular or Special Bingo time slot;
- game schedules for all municipally-licensed bingo events in the hall;
- a list of the bingo events during which Table Board games will be played, on a weekly basis, including the day and time of each event, indicating any days the bingo hall will be closed for holidays during the licensing period; and
- the signature of an authorized principal officer from each member of the HCA verifying that he or she has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Table Board Bingo Terms and Conditions.
- The Registrar may also request that the HCA submit a copy of its current membership, constitution and bylaws.
9.4.2 (D) Progressive Bingo game
Progressive Bingo game licence applicants must comply with the following procedures:
- In addition to the requirements for Regular or Special Bingo event licences, applications for a Progressive Bingo game licence must also include:
- which Progressive Bingo Game Rules of Play will apply, “A”, “B”, “C” or “D”;
- a list of the days and the time slots when the Progressive Bingo will be conducted;
- copies of the game schedule for the Regular Bingo event during which the Progressive Bingo game will be conducted; and
- the Progressive Bingo game lottery trust account number.
- Where the application is for Rules of Play “A” the applicant must specify:
- the minimum designated number of calls; and
- the method for determining the amount of the consolation prize.
- Where the applicant is an HCA applications must also include:
» a list of all organizations that are members of the association; and
» the signature of an authorized principal officer from each member organization, verifying that he or she has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Progressive Bingo Game Licence Terms and Conditions.
- The Registrar may also request that an HCA submits a copy of its current membership, constitution and bylaws.
9.4.2 (E) Loonie Progressive game
- Applications for a Loonie Progressive game licence must include:
- a completed application on a form issued by the Registrar, signed by at least one of the designated members-in-charge and two principal officers of the organization;
- the licence fee in the form of a cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance;
- the name and address of the premises where the Loonie Progressive game event is to be held;
- a list of all Regular Bingo session start times at which the Loonie Progressive game will be conducted;
- copies of the game schedule for the Regular Bingo event, clearly identifying those games where the Loonie Progressive game will be managed and conducted.
- Where the applicant is an individual charity the application must also include the account number of the designated bingo trust account that will be used to administer the game.
- Where the applicant is an HCA in a non-pooling bingo hall applications must also include:
- a list of all organizations that are members of the association;
- the account number of the designated Loonie Progressive game lottery trust account; and
- the signature of an authorized principal officer from each participating member organization, verifying that he or she has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Progressive Bingo Game Licence Terms and Conditions.
- First-time applicants must also include:
- a sample copy of the two-part Loonie Progressive game ticket; and
- a void cheque from the trust account that will be used to administer the Loonie Progressive game.
- For reporting purposes:
- a separate Loonie Progressive game report must be prepared for each Loonie Progressive game licence; and
- the ticket numbering system used on the Loonie Progressive game ticket must be submitted with the financial report. Any tickets that are void must be accounted for on the financial report and the original void tickets must be submitted with the financial report.
- The Registrar may also request that an HCA submit a copy of its current membership, constitution and bylaws.
- The Registrar will:
» notify an applicant if its application is deficient, requesting the missing documents; and
» communicate only with the appropriate contact person of the HCA, as listed on the application form (for example, a member-in-charge or a principal officer of the association), regarding applications, licences and amendments.