7.5.1. Municipal Licensing Policies
The following licensing policies apply to break open ticket licences issued by municipalities:
- An eligible organization may be licensed to sell break open tickets either:
- from a location where registration is not required; or
- through a Seller of break open tickets in the municipality who is registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 .
See “7.7.1. Sales locations for break open tickets” for further information.
- Municipalities may issue break open ticket licences allowing eligible organizations to sell tickets during special community events. Organizations with a current break open ticket licence may also sell break open tickets at a community event (see “7.7.1(C) Special occasions” for further information).
7.5.2 (A) General procedures
The following procedures apply to break open ticket licences issued by municipalities:
- The applicant must submit a completed application, on a form issued by the Registrar. The applicant must include all supporting materials with the application. The licensing authority may request additional information or documents.
For first time applicants, please refer to the documents outlined in “7.1.0. Introduction”.
- A municipality may set its own licence fee, provided it does not exceed the amount prescribed by the Registrar. Municipalities may choose a set fee or a fee based on a percentage of the prize board, provided that the fee does not exceed the maximum prescribed by the Registrar.
- Local charities and Provincial Break Open Ticket (PBOT) licensees are permitted to sell Break Open Tickets (BOTs) from more than one sales location within a municipality or area covered by a given licensing authority, subject to any limits imposed by the licensing authority.
It is expected that limitations imposed by licensing authorities on the number of BOT licences issued to any eligible organization will be the result of detailed analysis and only used where the limitation is warranted (for example, where a waiting list of new eligible organizations awaiting BOT sales locations exists).
The Registrar retains the authority to issue PBOT licences. However, the Registrar may place a limit on the number of retail locations permitted per PBOT licensee in a municipality or area covered by a given licensing authority if a similar limit, that is warranted, has been placed on the number of retail locations that may sell BOTs for each charity by the local licensing authority. - If a licensee wishes to change the ticket type, or add a new ticket type to be sold, the licensee must apply for an amendment to the existing licence. Licensees do not have to apply to the licensing authority for an amendment in the following circumstances:
- The licensee wants to cease selling a specific ticket type or style mid-licence; or
- The licensee sells out of a particular ticket type mid-licence and does not wish to order more inventory of that ticket type for the remainder of the licence period.
However, the licensee may choose to apply for an amendment to remove that ticket type from the licence in order to reduce the reporting requirement. Otherwise, the licensee must report nil sales for the remainder of the licence period.
- The licensee must notify the municipality in writing if it wishes to make any changes to the licence. The licensee cannot make any changes to the conduct and management of ticket sales unless it has first received approval in writing.
- Municipalities may only issue a licence on a form provided by the Registrar. The licence must state:
- the name and address of the licensee;
- the ticket type(s);
- identification of each ticket type with a unique identifier
- the number of deals approved, if applicable;
- the name and address of the location at which tickets will be sold;
- the duration of the licensing period;
- the name(s) of the registered Gaming-Related Suppliers supplying the break open tickets and any other gaming-related equipment or services to the licensee.
- An eligible organization wishing to sell break open tickets at a special community event must obtain prior written approval from the board governing the event. The letter must state that the board has not, and will not apply, for a break open ticket licence to be conducted and managed at its event, and it will not participate in ticket sales or share in the net proceeds of the break open ticket lottery. (See also “7.7.1(C) Special occasions” for further information.)
- A licensee must ensure that the break open ticket Seller’s registration for the proposed location is valid. (For more information, please see “3.4.3. Registration”)