
The Registrar is appointed under the Alcohol, Cannabis and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996 and has powers and duties under the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and its Regulations. Under the Interim Standards and Requirements Established by the Registrar pursuant to section 3.8 of the Gaming Control Act, 1992, the Registrar is authorized to establish certain standards and requirements for the conduct, management and operation of Gaming Sites, lottery schemes or businesses related to a Gaming Site or a lottery scheme or for goods or services related to that conduct, management or operation. The Registrar has established these Casino Electronic Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems Minimum Technical Standards (“Minimum Technical Standards”) as the minimum standards electronic Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems must meet for approval by the Registrar.  These Minimum Technical Standards are based on the principles of technical integrity, public interest and security of the Gaming Devices and the Gaming Systems, including their accounting capability. 

In order to minimize duplication, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario is open to placing reliance on Gaming-Related Supplier’s internal quality assurance and testing.  Gaming-Related Suppliers are encouraged contact Ontario’s Gaming Lab to explore opportunities for reliance on their testing, as appropriate.  The Registrar may also decide to approve, with limited review, the Gaming Device or Gaming System, as the case may be, if it has been approved in another jurisdiction where gaming is legal and the jurisdiction has similar standards.  (Note: This is not meant to delay submission to Ontario – the objectives of “First-to-Market” and “Speed-to-Market” should be maintained).  The Gaming-Related Suppliers may provide the appropriate supporting information with the submission for consideration by the Registrar.

These revised Minimum Technical Standards will become effective July, 22, 2019.  Gaming-Related Suppliers may seek a waiver if their electronic Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems submitted for approval after the release of these standards are only in compliance with the previous version of the standards.

From time to time, as necessary, modifications will be made to these Minimum Technical Standards.

Other Standards and Requirements Applicable

Gaming-Related Suppliers and Operators of electronic Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems must comply with these Minimum Technical Standards.  These Minimum Technical Standards are a detailed set of requirements to which Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems must conform. In addition, server-assisted and server-based Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems must comply with the Server-Assisted and Server-Based Gaming Minimum Technical Standards. These Minimum Technical Standards are designed to be consistent with the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming, and as comprehensive as practicable; however, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with these Standards and the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming, the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming shall prevail over the Minimum Technical Standards.   Please see the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming for additional information.

Note:  At this time the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming do not apply to the Gaming-Related Suppliers.  Requirements from the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming that apply to the Gaming-Related Suppliers have been incorporated into this document.