Chapter 23: Protests

Last Updated

23.01  A protest is an objection charging that a horse is ineligible to a race, alleging improper nomination or declaration of a horse, or citing any act of an owner, trainer, driver or official prohibited by the rules and which, if true, would exclude the horse or driver from the race.

23.02  Protests must be made no later than 48 hours following the race in question and must contain at least one specific charge which, if true, would prevent the horse from competing in the race or from winning purse money. The Judges may require that protests be reduced to writing and sworn to or solemnly affirmed. If more than 48 hours have passed since the race was run, no adjustments shall be made to purses or placing or records in the races contested after that time other than for positive tests. Notwithstanding the above, the Registrar may review any allegation, at any time, that a horse was ineligible and take what action he or she deems appropriate against the owner, trainer, driver or race secretary who declared the horse or allowed the horse to be declared and to race.

23.03  Every protest shall be determined by the Judges. Should the protest not be determined prior to the race, the horse shall be allowed to race under protest. Any purse money that may be affected by the outcome of the protest shall be held by the Association pending the Judges’ decision.

23.04  When a protest has been duly made it shall not be withdrawn or surrendered without approval of the Judges.

23.05  Any person found to make a protest falsely or without cause shall be subject to a monetary penalty, or suspension, or expulsion.

23.06  If the placings of a race are altered as a result of a protest, purse money for the race shall be distributed according to the decision made on the protest. The eligibility of horses involved in protests that may participate in subsequent races pending determination of the protest is not affected.

23.07  Rulings on protests which affect purse money or order of finish after the race was declared official shall have no effect on the distribution of pari-mutuel pools.