Chapter 5: Judges and Officials

Last Updated

5.01  At an extended race meeting, except in the case of an emergency, there shall be a minimum of two Judges employed and appointed by the Commission, one of whom shall be designated by the Registrar as Senior Judge under whose supervision the Judges shall, collectively, carry out all the duties and responsibilities specified in the Rules. All decisions of the Judges shall be determined by majority vote. In cases where there are only two Judges officiating, the Senior Judge or the Judge designated as the Senior Judge by the Registrar, shall have in addition to the regular vote, a casting vote.  The Registrar’s appointments and designations pursuant to this rule are not subject to appeal.

5.02  Deleted.

5.02.01  Deleted.

5.03  Deleted.

5.04  Each Association shall ensure that it has an agreement with either of the following for the purposes of Section 3(1)(c)(iii) of the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations:

  1. A horsepersons’ organization licensed pursuant to Rule 3.02.01; or
  2. Individuals licensed in good standing by the Commission and racing at that Association. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a monetary penalty or suspension.

5.05  A person, unless accredited by Standardbred Canada, will not be licensed by the Commission in the following roles:

  1. Judge;
  2. Race Secretary;
  3. Assistant Race Secretary;
  4. Starter (accredited starters are recognized as accredited patrol judges);
  5. Paddock Judge;
  6. Patrol Judge;
  7. Charter (effective July 1, 2008).

5.06  An Association approved to conduct a race meeting shall submit to the Registrar a list of officials thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of racing in any calendar year.

5.07  An Official shall not, without the consent of the Registrar, act in more than one official position. The Registrar’s decision regarding his or her consent is not subject to appeal.

5.08  A Racing Official shall not engage in any employment or activities at a racetrack during the conduct of an approved race-meeting other than the employment and activities for which he/she has been approved by the Registrar.

5.09  An Official may be penalized or suspended at any time by the Registrar for cause.

5.10  Deleted.

5.11  The Judges have the power, and it is their duty, to regulate and govern the conduct of all racing, and all participants. If any participant refuses to comply with the directions of the Judges, he/she shall be subject to a monetary penalty, suspended, or expelled.

5.12  In the absence of the Registrar the Judges are the representatives of the Commission on the grounds of an Association when it is conducting a race meeting and they shall:

  1. Issue Rulings in the name of the Registrar, subject to appeal in accordance with the rules;
  2. Make such reports to the Registrar as required;
  3. Supervise, in the performance of their duties, all Commission and Association officials and employees;
  4. Report to the Registrar unless otherwise instructed; and
  5. In the event Judges are unable to use any equipment which is used as an aid for reviewing a race or assigning the official order of finish, they shall decide all related matters on the basis of their visual observations and any reports received by them and their decisions, subject to an appeal to the HRAP, shall be final.

5.13  In the performance of their duties, the Judges shall have reasonable control over and unrestricted access to all buildings, stables, rooms and all other places within the grounds of any Association.

5.14  In all matters pertaining to racing, the orders of the Judges shall supersede the orders of the officers, Corporate Directors and officials of the Association.

5.15  The Judges may:

  1. Declare any horse disqualified or ineligible to race for violations of the Rules or for noncompliance with the conditions of any race in which the horse has been declared;
  2. Demand proof that a horse in any particular race is eligible or that it is not owned or trained in whole, or in part, by a suspended person or has been declared to race by a suspended person. In the absence of satisfactory proof, the Judges may scratch the horse.

5.16  Before the Judges order a disqualification in any race, they shall view the video tape, when available, of the race in question.

5.17  The Judges may refuse the declaration of any horse for any reason they consider proper. A horse so refused shall be placed on the Judges’ List.

5.18  The Judges may, at any time, place a horse in the temporary charge of a person they select and the owner shall be responsible for any reasonable costs incurred.

5.19  The Judges may excuse a horse from starting for any reason they consider proper, and in accordance with the Rules.

5.20  The Judges may allow a mistake on a declaration or nomination form or condition sheet to be corrected if satisfied that no fraud was intended.

5.21  Corrections to information contained in official performance records can be made only by the Judges or an authorized official. Any participant tampering with the official performance records to effect unauthorized changes or entries may be subject to a monetary penalty, suspended or expelled.

5.22  No Ruling made by the Judges, Commission Administration, the Registrar, or by the HRAP with regard to distribution of purse money or the placing of horses in the order of finish, after the race has been declared official shall have any bearing on the pay-out prices of the distribution of pari-mutuel pools. If an incorrect order of finish is posted, declared official and then ruled to be in error, the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations under the Criminal Code (Canada) respecting pay-out prices shall apply.